lol. . . . another 'interesting' approach to finding a significant other! I'm glad there are guys out there than can appreciate a fiery lass. The super-submissive, shrinking violet type of gals annoy me, I must admit (or guys, for that matter - 'emo' dudes or whatever).
I loves me some Sam Smith's or Moosehead - good luck with your 'sessions'
(I grew up in SW Michigan, by the way - used to go to Chi-town often for blues shows and to party. Its WAY better than Detroit, that's for sure. . . . )[/quote]
Where in SW Michigan? I grew up in Grand Rapids and live in Benton Harbor now.
I was in Kalamazoo (just outside) but I got my BS at GVSU in Grand Rapids

Also, to Mr. Poll creator (rhos1355), I am still boycotting voting as I still see no choices applicable to my situation, even after you made several changes to accommodate others' requests (i.e. references to wives and girlfriends but none to husbands or boyfriends)

Just trying to be all PC - just inclusion of the
(albeit few) ladies on the board here, would have been nice. . . . *sigh*