OK... Here we go!
The grand tour of the "Tower of Power". I arrange my stuff by category (for the most part, or wherever it will fit!). And yes.. I do know what every tool is for- ask me!
Up top, sockets and other what-not:
Top 3 drawers- Left: measurement and small tools. Middle: really small tools, feeler gauges, sparkplug tools. Right: scrapers, punches, chisels, picks:
Ratchets, breakers and extensions:
Combination wrenches and small torque wrenches:
Other specialty wrenches, brushes:
Nutdrivers, Torx drivers, awls, specialty handtools:
Screwdrivers and allen wrenches:
Moving on to the middle box, we start with the pliers:
Taps, dies, snapring pliers, filter wrench, crescent wrenches:
Sheetmetal working tools, files:
Engine reconditioning tools:
Moving on to the bottom box, we start with electrical diagnostics, soldering, flashlights and tune-up instruments:
Wire brushes, hammers, prybars and struck tools:
Air tools and accessories:
Oddball / seldom used / odd shape tools that really won't fit anywhere else:
And finally at the bottom the larger torque wrenches, Heli-Coils, fender covers and other misc. items:
Ahhh.. what all those years of professional wrenching did to me!