Yeah Raul, I know exactly what you are saying AND feeling!

I'm feeling the same the same way. It's a Huge Vicious Cycle. As time goes
on (and it doesn't stop or even slow down), folks age, some develope diseases or whatever and we are also getting closer to the end. Sometimes it feels kind of strange when I realize that
I'm in the period where I know that my parents
and Grand parents have been (watching close friends get seriously ill and/or die and even such things as seeing the actors and actresses that we grew up enjoying, get those diseases and/or die) and know that one day, it will be
MY time. I know that that is just life, but sometimes I think a person needs to just stop and look around to just take stock of where he is in life and thank GOD that they've made it that far and been able to do the things they've done.
Understand that I'm not trying to be a preacher here, just saying that I realize that
I'm already in the age group where my time could slip up on me (could have happened before now) and I sure am glad that I'm still able to go on and be there fore my family
and for my Dad. That being said, I'm not going to dwell on it, I just had something to say and I'm past that, at least for now.

Take care folks and make the best of the rest of your lives, Bill