Author Topic: Need input on big decision; 1978 CB550K  (Read 825 times)

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Offline dnewman417

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Need input on big decision; 1978 CB550K
« on: August 13, 2008, 11:02:49 AM »
Hey guys (and gals?):  I need your input on a big decision.  With the help of many of you on this forum, and especially TwoTired, and some elbow grease and persistence, my 78 CB550K is running great.  Here's the rub.  I bought the bike to build a cafe racer and I have to decide whether to proceed with that project plan or just restore the bike to close to original.  The hang up for me is the electricals.  If I move the battery and the electricals to a tail-end cowling behind the seat, how do I extend the main cables and clip-in connectors that distance?  Any ideas?  The rest of the modifications seem doable.  Benjie's Cafe Racer ( produces an entire conversion kit or each piece separately.  Have any of you dealt with them?

Thanks for the info in advance.


Offline Triffecpa

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Re: Need input on big decision; 1978 CB550K
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2008, 03:05:19 PM »

you can buy a junk wire harness on Ebay (or here on this site) and pirate the basic colored wire needed to extend each component of the wire harness to relocate stuff.

My preference is for non-stock bikes, so there's no problem in making up my mind.  If you're really torn, then you're gonna have to build a second one.


Offline Tom in Newcastle......Ontario

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Re: Need input on big decision; 1978 CB550K
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2008, 06:12:33 PM »
I agree with triffecpa...kind of(second bike)....keep it original (or close) and find one that is real rough,to build a cafe...,or the keep all the stock parts,don't do any cutting on the frame,and see if you like cafe's,you can always put the stock parts back on....i'm partial to stock,just finishing a semi re-store 78 550k and hope to be starting a second soon
1978 cb 550k......stock,my first re-build

Loud pipes suck.......

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Offline Jay B

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Re: Need input on big decision; 1978 CB550K
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2008, 07:47:17 PM »
I bought my '77 550 a couple years ago with the same intent. Got it running perfectly, started to ride it, and decided it was too nice to mess with very much. I decided to go the "Gentleman's Express" route with mine, improving the basic design while not butchering it. Unfortunately, my time has been very limited, so not as much progress as I'd hoped. I've owned a bunch of bikes, that old 550 is my favorite bike I've ever owned.
'77 CB550K
'74 CB350F cafe
2001 Road King
'73 CB175