the history of the bike is a bit murky... i bought the bike for a couple hundred, have the title for it... it's coming from sea level, so i already know i need to rejet the carbs...
the tank isn't stock... i'm not sure what it's from, but i think it might be a harley tank... no petcock, it needs some sort of screw on petcock...
no air filters for the carbs, those are easy enough...
i'm going to make a seat for it, since i don't have the stock one, and was planning on a solo seat...
eventually would like to hardtail it... but in the meantime i need to get some rear shocks...
the tires look brand new...
the guy i bought it from said that it had been mildly wrecked... the forks had to be replaced, so i have a set of 77 front shocks...
need a top tree for the triple... anyone know if i can just go ahead and sand all the nasty paint off?
i want to put drag pipes on it, since there is no exhaust...
there is a bit of history...oh, did i mention that the bike is a 78