Author Topic: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!  (Read 3442 times)

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Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« on: September 01, 2005, 11:32:35 AM »
I know that in the UK and California that some of you guys enjoy the fact that lane splitting is legal, however for the rest of the US our ‘Powers That Be’ consider lane splitting to be dangerous, like riding period is not.  This morning, after my bike over heated in the parking lot we call the interstate; I got online and searched for information on lane splitting.  What I found is very interesting; for one thing there is already a bill proposed in Washington that would in essence legalize lane splitting across the country and you can get more information here but it doesn’t end there Harry Hurt (same guy who wrote the Hurt Report) believes it is safer for a motorcyclist to lane split in heavy traffic see this link “Hurt theorizes that this is because motorcyclists have an easier time steering around threats than stopping frequently”

The whole point of all of this is that I tend to agree with Hurt however, and you will see this from the replies to the proposed Bill, that the problem is not with the motorcycle but with the knuckleheads in the cars.  If lane splitting was to become law then there would have to be a major initiative to educate drivers in the states as to lane splitting.  I am also assuming there is a need to educate motorcyclists on how to properly Lane Split and I am curious as to what techniques one would apply.

So if you are in favor of Lane Splitting, please call your congressman today and suggest that the Bill be passed.
Use this link to find your congressman
Don’t forget to mention that it would save gas for both motorcyclists and car drivers considering less people would be wasting gas on bikes idling and more people would leave their cars at home if they knew they could ride to work in less time.
Please post your thoughts on this because I would love to know what special techniques are used in Lane Splitting and what are the Pros and Cons.

Matthew in Nashville


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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 11:55:35 AM »
Can the Federal Government regulate traffic regulations?

Aren't most street bikes these days water-cooled?

I'm all for riding in the suicide lane. Actually, I tend for the shoulder when stopped in heavy traffic. When riding on the highway, I like to imagine every car on the road would very much like to kill me if given the opportunity. With this mindset, I'm never surprised when someone actually tries. I figure the longer I stand still, the easier it is for someone to hit me. I've even explained my way to a warning from a police officer with this logic.

That said, nothing pisses off rush-hour drivers more than some punk who thinks he doesn't have to wait. Hot, tired, frustrated drivers don't understand overheating, let alone the dangers of standing still. I've seen guys swerve into the shoulder, throw open their car doors and actually try to kill motorcyclists in these situations.

I don't think an education campaign will help much. We're talking about the same people who aren't sure what to do when they hear the sirens and see the flashing lights of emergency vehicles. We're talking about the same people who will wait behind a stranded motorist for hours and never think help move the blocking car to the side of the road.

Offline dusterdude

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2005, 11:58:43 AM »
damn doug,you sure know how to ruin somebodys day. :(
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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2005, 12:57:02 PM »
What's the point of having a bike in the city if you can't lane split! I'm in Cali, but I remember once riding in Nevada and someone told me what I was doing is illegal. I couldn't imagine it, so I split lanes anyway!

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2005, 01:07:08 PM »
Can the Federal Government regulate traffic regulations?

Remember our wonderful 55MPH national speed limit? :(
"Every time I start thinking the world is all bad, then I start seeing people out there having a good time on motorcycles; it makes me take another look." -Steve McQueen

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 01:10:01 PM »
Actually, traffic regs are state issues. However, big brother gov. uses the back door. "Do as we say, or we will withhold you federal highway funds."
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Offline Chris Liston

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2005, 01:30:50 PM »
I just wrote my congressman. 

Go here to find yours:

With any luck. 

And even watercooled bikes suffer greatly stuck in traffic... 
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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2005, 01:39:45 PM »
In Spain it's forbidden, but I don't know anybody that have been fined for that. Even parking your bike on the sidewalk is forbidden, but is tacitly permitted. Otherwise the advantages of two-wheel transportation on crowded cities would be lost.
If the traffic is fluid I generally keep my place in the lane and don't split until I reach the light to take off first. But if the traffic is congested lane splitting is convenient and even safe, as the low speed of moving cars make them almost impossible to make quick lane changes. In order to foster the good images of bikers, I snake between cars with my open pipes, retract their rear-view mirrors if I can't get through and show my middle finger pointing upwards at the slightest sign of reprimend to me  ;D


Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2005, 06:43:00 PM »
Raul, weren't you just chastising someone for being anti-social? The kind of behaviour you just described only makes matters worse for bikers, and the person you flip off is more likely to open a door or "change lanes" at the wrong time.

I lane split/ filtered through traffic for 25 years in California. In the L.A. area, you see whole convoys of MCs moving between lanes. Most drivers tolerate because they're used to it. Some people get angry and try to crowd you if they see you coming. I had one guy in a convertible shaking his fist and screaming, "you have to wait like everybody else!"  I just blew him a kiss  :-*.

Technically, in CA lane splitting isn't legal, it's just not against the law. You see the motorcycle cops doing it all the time, but they can ticket you for being an a**hole- going too fast for conditions, exhibition, etc. Personally, I think they deserve it, too. I do think it's safe if done judiciously- only when traffic is under 25-30mph, never moving more than 5-10mph faster than traffic, being courteous, etc. Bar-end mirrors, wide bars like on cruisers, big panniers, etc make it difficult. If you whack someones mirror, you'd be amazed at how nimble a big car can be. I once had a '55 Nomad keep one car length behind me for a long ways because I flipped him off after he cut me off for the 3rd time.

Have to agree that laws are made by the states... but it's worth looking into.
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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2005, 01:57:13 AM »
Uncle Ernie, I just wanted to be sarcastic!! On the contrary, when I snake between cars I only do when there is plenty of space. Even if I know I can get through, I don't want car owners to be afraid of their cars getting scratched. Only do it in really slow traffic. If the traffic is packed but fluid I keep my position in the lane.

Even then two-wheel transport have the advantage of mobility. You can get out of a big traffic jam in a flash and park just at the door of the place you go. You don't have to pay parking. Downside is the big heat and the smell of fumes.



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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2005, 04:51:20 AM »
Here in the UK it not unusual to lane split for a mile and can be even ten miles if there’s a major hold up on the motorway ( your interstate ). You just work your way to the front of the queue and when the lights change your gone. ;D

I would certainly be less inclined to commute by bike if it were illegal, it would not be worth the effort of getting the bike out and putting on my leathers.

The situation over here as regards lane splitting is much the same as Uncle Ernie has explained.

I think the ones against it are those that would get peeved off with all the bikes going pass while there stuck in traffic.   

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2005, 05:02:02 AM »
Here in Spain the government had recently approved a new law. Those with a car driving license at least three year old (it doesn't mean experience) can ride bikes up to 125 cc without getting a motorcycle license. The sales of small bikes had sky-rocketed, as many people have bought them to commute. I hope it will men also a new image of motorcyclist (you can't help to be more considerate while in your car if you are also a motorcyclist) and also the entrance door to the motorcycle world of many people that otherwise would have never. If they feel they override their small bikes the will get the full license and buy a bigger bike afterwards.


Offline dusterdude

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2005, 05:38:29 AM »
bob and ernie,the feds can make the rules on the interstates,remember they are federally subsidized roads
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2005, 05:41:21 AM »
To a large extent that's true. However states still have some local descretion. For example, on I-75 in Michigan the max speed is 70 mph. Same road in Ohio, it's 65 mph. Which I believe is the max speed on any road in both states.
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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2005, 06:17:49 AM »
true,states do set the speed point being,here in virginia,we had tolls on the interstates until i 295 was done being built around richmond then the feds said we had to remove the tolls and for a while virginia wouldnt let bikes on the hov lanes up north and the feds said to allow that or lose federal hiway funds.
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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2005, 06:45:46 AM »
First of all, thank you everyone for the posts.  I have to say that I feel strongly about this issue and all feedback is priceless.

Being a southerner, I can agree that states should have ultimate authority when it comes to self government.  However, the reason this is a big deal to me is because the difference between $50 a week and $15 a week in gas is important to me.  To some that is not that much money but to a soon to be newly wed it makes a difference to me.  I would think that with current demand around the world with regards to petroleum/gas we can as a nation, nay as a global community, agree that fuel conservation of any type is advantageous to the community as a whole.  More locally here in Nashville, because of the fuel supply problem caused by Katrina, prices are going up by the hour (not an exaggeration).  I have seen more than one gas station run out, mainly because people are panicking, but the supply is limited none the less. Lots of people here in Nashville and the surrounding areas have motorcycles and I see a few commuting to work but compared to the number of people I see riding on the weekends, I think it is safe to assume that some of those who ride on the weekend leave their bikes at home and commute to work in their V8 trucks and SUVs.  I believe that many of those same people would commute on their bikes if there was an advantage to doing so.  One less car on the road means less gas wasted, take that bike out of the traditional lane and that’s one less person adding to the parking lot.  Win-Win.

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2005, 06:46:20 AM »
You bring up an interesting point about toll roads. I don't know the regs about them and am curious. I-80/90 in Ohio is, or was a toll road. I'm guessing states can do that, but there must be some sort of offset associated with making an interstate a toll road. Maybe their (state) share of construction is higher or the maintenance is the state's responsibilty. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this one. I haven't had occasion to use 80/90 in Ohio recently, but when I did, it was very well maintained. They regularly milled and resurfaced, unlike here in Michigan where road maintenance is pretty bad in my opinion.
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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2005, 11:31:29 AM »
In Oklahoma most of the Interstate highways are toll roads. That is one reason I left the state.

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2005, 01:41:16 PM »
I'd be nervous about it a first, but it's a good idea.  Might encourage others to ride to work if they can't, or don't want to, carpool or use public transportation.  Anything that frees up highway space and speeds up traffic can't be too bad.

Offline Zeke

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2005, 11:37:42 PM »

Best thing since sliced bread.

Here in CA, buying a bike not only gave me the right to drive in the carpool lane, but being able to sneak between lanes returned my sanity when I was forced to commute a long distance to work here in CA.  In the carpool lane I'd be driving 60mph or more when the other 3 or 4 lanes were almost sitting still.  Difference between an hour to work or 30 minutes.

I've moved out of the madness to Santa Cruz, CA a few months ago, but last week I drove north to Berkeley for a concert on a Friday night(Tom Petty/Black Crowes).  Horrible Traffic.  I lane split for about 40 miles, which is a harrowing bit of travel.  But, I was able to cover 90 miles in about two hours.  If I had been in my truck (T100) it would have taken at least an hour more.

Most of that time, I followed a guy on a Harley Fat-Boy.  Funny, after about 10miles he pulled out to let me lead, and the cars weren't moving out of the way nearly as well.  After about 5 miles I pulled over and he peaced me on his way by and continued on like Moses on the Red Sea.  I followed him nearly all the way there.

Anyway, I say FUC# anyone who doesn't like it -- they need to get used to it.  When traffic is as bad as here in CA I'm suprised that we don't have more people riding cycles.  Our gas hasn't risen as much as in Central US, but it's generally been more expensive that the rest of the US.  Gas has been at around $3 for weeks.  But, to be honest riding my bike at 50mpg I don't give a #$%*.  It's still cheaper and most of the world so I've got no right to complain.  Most of us don't.

The more of us on cycles the safer it will be.

Now, had I driven my truck last weekend I would have used about 9 gallons of gas, costing near 30 bucks.  On my bike, I used about 4 gals at 12 bucks.

One thing that worries me a bit though, is that these old bikes might pollute even more than my 1998 T100 does.  I have a truck because I actually use it.  But I only use it about a day a week.

New bikes have much better mileage and I presume much better emissions.  Anyone?



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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2005, 06:16:48 PM »
Think of all the earth's energy and natural resources you're saving by not riding new. In fact, think not of yourself as a rider, but as a re-cycler.
I'm not so sure newer bikes have that much better mileage, either.
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Offline kghost

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2005, 09:09:33 PM »
Right on Ernie,

Zeke, I only drive the F150 about once a week now too.
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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2005, 01:40:45 PM »

If you want to see the ultimate use of lanes...go to Thailand.  There the
lane markings are only "suggestions". ;D  Typically by the time a traffic light
changes, all the motocycles have twisted and turned their way to the front...
between cars....between lanes....and then when the light changes there is
an instant cloud of blue smoke (two cycles) and the race is on to the next light.

I have seen up to five people on a 175 Honda...two kids on the tank...mama on
the back and one kid in between....makes me shutter. ::)

Look at the attached pic for how LP gas is delivered!

« Last Edit: November 26, 2005, 01:00:29 PM by Glenn Stauffer »
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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2005, 11:19:17 AM »
Very very true. My nephew just came back from Thailand. He said the traffic speed and volume is just insane. Might I add that they all do this at full throttle, cars included. Stop signs are just suggestions that you slow down.

I learned my lesson years ago in California about lane usage and trying to evade and aggressive driver. The first time I sped up trying to get away from a full sized truck in the center lane in heavy traffic. Just in time to pass a State Patrol which gave me the ticket but failed to see the truck trying to run me down. Not that the rattle bang truck had a chance against my nimble and fast GSXR 7-11. I also found out that cops there can assume speed there and just issue the ticket. I said shove it and never paid it.

The second time was an encounter with a small convertible that was tailgating me. No matter how I changed lanes she just would not back off. By this time I was not as nice as I used to be. I carried eggs when the weather would permit. At 75mph a quick toss over the shoulder and BLAM! :o HEHE. After about two of those they called the cops on thier precious cell phone. A State Trooper would come out to investigate, ask questions. I would tell him yes that I did toss the eggs and showed him just how. He told this woman if you were close enough to be hit by that egg your were following too close fo conditions, here's your ticket. ;D ;D

I tried lane splitting once. Don't remember where, it was some dumb island in California somewhere that had a road that went around it. I was issued a ticket for crossing over the line. Which I might add was not even there. Just the broken edge of the road, no line. Told them to stuff that ticket too. ;D

I hate tailgaters of bikes. I have seen it time and time again where a car fails to give proper room to a bike. I always say if he goes down? Can I safely avoid him and give him room?

I problably went off topic....OOPS

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Re: Lane Splitting May be Legalized in US!
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2005, 03:21:34 PM »
I love tailgatters too.  Lugnut are good.

18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker