Hello All - I'm on my way! I've had'er for about a week - she's ugly as sin and I love her! My avatar is a pic my buddy took on our way back from Lewisburg, TN - 350 of my first ever hwy miles since my '72 cb350 didn't like the big tarmac... My lower back is screaming at me, begging me to slide back just 6 more inches...I laughed my ass off (what's left of it) when I read the Ugliest Accessory thread - looks like I'm coming up with more than one - starting with the worst offender, of the K/Q variety.
Anyways, as the newest newbie, I am bound to ask some stupid questions - I have a friend here in St.Louis that is a pretty decent CB mechanic, but I hope I can call on some of you guys' experience to help me get through this initial phase...fortunately for me the gentleman I bought this bike from was a great mechanic and the engine is nuts on - I get to go straight for the cosmetics as I already own a strong runner - Truth is, I'm not sure I want to do that much to it, besides fix the seat and bars.
It's blacked out, no emblems, and I'm okay with that right now - the hardest part for me is knowing whether or not to stick strictly to 1971 parts - things such as the side cover for the oil tank. There is one on e-bay right now that is off a '73 that is already blacked out, w/no embem and would be perfect for me as long as the tabs line up.
I just received my parts catalog (abt. five min. ago) and am trying to decode it right now.
Been lurking around for a few days and looking forward to getting to learning from everyone,