Hey everyone, thought I'd offer an update on my bike. The '78 turned out to have an insurmountable electrical ghost, according to my mechanic down at Twinline. I wasn't prepared to be defeated, so I started looking around for a K bike to put my freshly rebuilt motor and other goodies onto. Ended up finding a beautiful (cosmetically) 72 with original sunset metallic sparkle paint. After months of languishing, the franken-build came together and I've had it out and about on the road for about a month now. I'm so stoked to be riding it, and I'm very happy to have ended up with a bike earlier than 77. (Well, mostly. The frame, tank, seat and wiring is '72. the engine and front end, and rear wheel is '78. and the carbs are '75. heheheh)
There's still a few kinks and details to work out, but I'm very happy with it overall. And for the most part, the stuff that's left is easier stuff that I can ( and like to) do. Stuff like blasting and painting the battery box, re-routing some of the electrics, replacing the half-broken ignition switch, replacing the petcock, etc. which I've all done in the last couple of weeks.
By the way, my band's next show - Evil Twin - is this Thursday (Aug. 14, 2008) at King Cobra in Seattle.