Author Topic: 70 750 k0 Throttle monster/over-rev problem  (Read 954 times)

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70 750 k0 Throttle monster/over-rev problem
« on: August 17, 2008, 08:34:56 AM »
Went through my 70 750 KO carbs last night, cleaned jets, bowls, floats etc. in simple green, adjusted floats. At the same time, I tried to adjust the cam chain tensioner, nothing seemed to happen, tapped with a screwdriver in the hole, and still seemed like it didn't work. Well, I got everything back together, fired it up, and it seemed to run ok, but when I revved it, the throttle would stay open and rev really high. Could this be related to the cam chain, or it more likely something in the throttle linkage, or something else?

Also, I left the petcock on last night, and the carbs overflowed all over the garage floor. Shouldn't the floats rise and stop the fuel flow? Could this fuel have leaked into the engine? Do I have anything to worry about? What's my next step. Thanks
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 11:45:19 AM by zoo mob »
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Re: carb overflow/over-rev question
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 08:51:29 AM »
On those cable-carbs, sometimes the #4 or #1 cable would pop up out of its holder on top of the carb(s) after messing around with them. They need to get pushed all the way down in again, and make sure the cable routing overall is such that it does not pull them out again when the throttle is opened all the way, then closed. This was one of the headaches of the early design. It makes those 2 slides stay open about 1/8" which will make about 3000 RPM in neutral.

If the carbs are overflowing, something is wrong with the reassembly. Here's what I would do:
1. Remove the sparkplugs to let the fuel dry out. After a couple of hours, squirt a drop or two of oil in those holes to relube the rings next time you start up, so they don't get scratched and galled.
2. Drain the oil in the crankcase. If any gas got past the rings, it will be down there, nowhere else, so long as the bike is not started. If it was started, then change all the oil, and the filter before strating it again, or it can gall the crank bearings.
3. In those carbs: they are old now. Often, along the inside edges of the little posts where the float pivot pin holds the floats on, they have developed a tiny burr from years of going up and down. This burr is caused by the sharp edges of the float bracket. This burr also makes the dang bracket stick, just below where the needle would close, flooding the bowl. So, take a new razor blade, remove the floats, and gently slide the blade up the inside of the post(s). You'll be able to feel this little burr: trim it off with the blade and a bit of fine sandpaper, clean well, and do the other one. Repeat as necessary to the others. This is pretty common, usually appears at above 10,000 miles of use, and not just on these bikes.  ;)
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Re: Throttle monster/over-rev problem
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2008, 11:42:06 AM »
I Took the tops of carbs #1 and 4 off, and slid the cable up away from the bottom of the carb, and re-assembled. The problem is still there, it will start, and idle decently right around 1200rpm, but if I twist the throttle to about 3000rpm, it just takes off and keeps revving higher. Are the cables the likely culprit? Was my attempted fix correct, or should I have done it the opposite way? Any other thoughts?
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: 70 750 k0 Throttle monster/over-rev problem
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2008, 03:07:35 PM »
It could be the cable(s) binding someplace. One thing you could try to determine if it is, remove the airbox  :-\, sorry, so you can see the backs of the carb throats, twist the throttle as you would with it running and see if the slides return all the way to the bottom of the bores. If they do, something else is going on. If they don't, something is hanging up somewhere in the throttle linkage either the individual carb slides, cables, the junction where they come together or the cable going up to the throttle, or even the throttle sleeve on the handlebar. Let us know what you see.
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Re: 70 750 k0 Throttle monster/over-rev problem
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2008, 03:18:42 PM »
Cam chain tensioner sounds like it is gunked up in there.  Pretty easy fix to remove the 3 screws and pull it back to clean it out.  As far as the fast idle, did you indeed sync those carbs or maybe accidentally turn the slow idle screws on the side of the carbs up by accident?  I had to replace my KO throttle cable as it was sticking and then broke when I first got the bike.  Maybe you need a new cable?  It comes in 2 sections...the main cable from the throttle and then it splits off into 4 cables under the tank.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 03:22:05 PM by Johnie »
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Re: 70 750 k0 Throttle monster/over-rev problem
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2008, 06:03:26 PM »
I guess I didn't check those cables very well the first time, I did it again, and its all good-except for needing a sync. Thanks guys.
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