You can actually do that in 3 days without rushing, but 4 will give you lots of look time. Can't beat the coast all the way up. The shore line just keeps breaking up the farther North you go. By the time you hit OR it gets pretty spectacular. The Redwoods in NorCal will be much cooler, but if you live in WA I guess you already know that. When you get to OR, Pauls has the best salmon jerky (IMO), just past the sign that says "Site of hysterical signifigance" Never stopped, though. If you do, please post results. Anyway- beware; salmon jerky does not last as long as beef jerky, so if you open it- eat it. Monterrey Bay Aquarium is amazing. Hell, better take 5 or 6 days.
Trip; sunscreen, long sleeves (I used to wear coveralls), stop every 100 miles for water and gas (stretch, too), for the buns- SHEEPSKIN, Dude. Air pressure guage. Rain wear/ Totes with baby powder in them for boots. Merino wool socks keep your feet warmer/cooler by wicking moisture. They are practically indestructible. Wash them at night, turn inside out, and they'll be dry in a couple hours. Cell phone. Credit card, but bring cash for the little guys (cards charge the stores a percentage so a $2.00 purchase really irritates them). Take camera but don't use it. When you get home the pictures won't do anything any justice.