Hi bike runs rich because it starts OK no choke needed after the bike is warm say after 10 miles when it idels the rpm jump from the normal 1200 rpm up to 2000 rpm and back and forth Also when the plugs are pulled out they are black and sooty
also you can smell the fuel in the air
OH year and all four plugs are the same .
To combat this I have rebuilt the carbs new jets main and slow new jets come with o rings
cleaned all the air ways . Set float heights to correct levels and sync carbs
:There is a brand new air filter .
:There are no air leaks .
:All the ekectrical system has been checked coils etc All timming checked .
:The only improvment I have had is when the pilot air screws are turned out this tell's me the carbs need air ?
I have new plugs and they are gaped to correct spec .
I have run bike with no exaust and the air filter out but does not make much diffrence .
Any thought on how to fix welcome

Best Regards Paul Porter