Er, tiny! I only have one bike after all! My little 1924 bungalow is only 900 sqft and I added 400 more... a whopping 1300 sq ft.
I can echo the "Tiny", my place is about the same size. Don't remember exactly, but less than 1,000 square feet and I don't have an expansion.

Got to much stuff AND only a 1 car garage, a 12 x 14 building, a small wooden structure that once was a playhouse and they ALL are full! Fact is, I've got 4 bikes sittin under covers, in front of the garage. That's why I've got to do some major thinning out. Don R's place looks GOOD compared to mine, I have to roll out the CBX, just to TRY to walk through MY garage. Funny how things accumulate. Just can't figure out how that happens.

Must be that "Gotta Get It Itus"!

Got to give you credit for what you've done with your place AND the plans you have. You should have a really decent setup, when you're done. Got a great start on it.
Take care and Good Luck, Bill