For 20 + years my workshop was outside in the driveway....
Last year I expanded my garage so I would have space to work on my bikes, not just have a place to store them. When the wife doesn't need to park her car in the garage (snow time) i have a 20 x 24 foot garage to work in w/ 2 work benches (one for me, one for my son).
Still fixing it up: had to move garage door from a side to the front, moved driveway, added 2 doors, 8 x 24 concrete pad added in garge and new rafters, windows, new metal roof, wiring, and now am insulating the half where I will be able to work on bikes in the cold months. Found some free 1/4 inch paneling / large boxes I cut up to use instead of sheetrock. Cheaper and won't have to worry about denting the walls with bikes, etc etc. nor worry about moisture so much. Also had extra cement so I added a 12 x 14 foot cement pad outside to work on the cars during the warm months, dug up tree stumps to move garage drive entrance (with help from the wife) using an axe, pickaxe, shovels and a lot of sweat.
Next up is painting the new floor, more lights, putting up "new" 150 year old garage doors, another window on 2nd floor, finish another 3 x 24 foot extention,insulation, etc etc.