Wow! Nice shops all around!
Here's a picture of my cluttered mess.. (commentary below!)

The picture makes it look a lot smaller than it really is. Also, I really do need to put some of this junk away/donate some crap/call special trash. I promised that toddler bed (up on end) to some dude at work months ago! CRAP! You can't see it in this picture, but I have a somewhat organized tool area in the corner behind the bed. I think I might try to put some shelves in the other corner, where the wall is at an angle, this winter. Anyways, it's hard to tell from the pic, but the garage opens up to a good bit of space on the sides of the bike, so I can work on it OK. I've only come close to falling down over the junk 2 or 3 times!
Also, let me draw your attention to the 1970's pinball machine in the back.. No household is complete without one! This vintage is of the kind before all the circuit boards, so it is loaded with relays, contacts, bells, roller-wheel scoring, etc. Much fun!