I've heard some good reports on that welding table.
Congrats on getting all of this in place. It's a long road from A to B sometimes, I'm still in between personally but I haven’t lost hope.
It's a shorter road than it feels for sure.
Looking at it I thought I would never be this close several times. My oldest son helped me a ton. A lot of quality time we get working together just like my father and I spent time.
Yesterday and the day before we dug a 55ft ditchline together.
I'm going to spray it down with WD40 and cover with shop rags to keep it from rusting while I get the drainage cans mortar leaks fixed. Gotta stop that water from getting in the garage.
Then the offshoot of the garage a 7x12 is going to become my temporary bedroom for a few years. Honestly it will be kinda nice. Walk out straight into the shop. Until winter when ibhave to walk outside to get in the house lol