Inside shots. From the old garage through the old wall into the shop.

Its all curtains for now, but I hope to hang some "cafe" swinging doors that i can lock.
From the work bench looking to the front door. The rollup doors (a 4 footer to the left out of sight) save ceiling space for hanging things.

The "air" corner, 6 hp porter/gable compressor plumbed throughout the shop with 6 plug ins, and a 50ft recoil hose in the garage. I don't want to have to struggle to air a tire.

You can see the blue plastic piping going up the wall. Cool stuff from Griot's Garage/John Guess't see the compressor, but its there. i put it as far from the workbench as possible as its loud, but it has a big tank and doesn't run much. The shelves on the left are hooked to the wall and suspended from the ceiling with the yellow chain and turnbuckles to make them level. My own design but really stupid as i did the other wall with the wire shelves that hang from a rail across the top. In both cases i meant to keep everything. like shelf legs off the floor. This way i can stash rolling chassis under the shelves. The SuperHawk on the left and the CB750F and the CB400Ti on the right.

The ceiling is R19 batting in proper sized rafters. I was dreading putting up drywall but i wanted a finished look. My painter buddy suggested using the foam they use on the sides of houses. Great idea. Lightweight, adds another R6 insulation, (total R25) and easy to put up, and with the silver side towards the shop, very reflective. Cut with a knife, seems taped with silver tape, I used the same nails used on the sides of houses with orange washers to add some color.

Off high to the right, there is 4 ft of pegboard the length of the ceiling from which hangs pieces for future use.
From the floor up, the walls are blue for 3 courses, red for 3 and the balance white. If you were to choose a color for my life it would be beige. So I tried to liven things up a bit. The block had Perlite insulation poured in for a total R9 in the walls. A 5000 watt heater in the garage will warm up the shop area too, and a 1500 watt spaceheater knocks the chill down. But I really need 5000 watts dedicated to the shop. Total SF about 14 x 24=336.
I had a 60Amp service put in, with 4 outlet outlets every 8 feet on every wall in the garage and the shop. I didn't want to struggle for electricity either.
So thanks for indulging me. This is likely my shop for life, my garageMajal, and I'm happy with it. I know many of you have much finer, and many get by (and do great work) with much less. Its a guy thing. My wife was very supportive. Now I have to concentrate on the kitchen.