Didn't mean to take so long to get to this one.
I'm looking forward to this one too! You see, I got my wheels blown off by an X-6 back in 68' (on my 66' CB72) and, since I'm building a Super Hawk (I know that my CB72 was a 250 and the CB77 is a 305 but hey, I need all the help I can get to take on an X-6
Just kidding, looking forward to seeing the X-6 getting turned around. 
Later on, Bill
Bill: Maybe we can have a 40 year rematch in 2008!
Hey, there ya go!

I never did beat that X-6! I'd go back, do some more to the old 250 Hawk, try it again and get beat
again (but each time, I didn't get beat as bad. Don't know if I'd
ever beat him but I sure tried!)!

IS good to see an X-6 getting some new life though.

Keep us posted Glenn, okay?

Later on, Bill