Author Topic: Helmets, Again!  (Read 5258 times)

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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #50 on: September 30, 2008, 09:13:41 AM »
Quote from: eldar, The true mark of a society is how its people care for each other.
NOT how much money people have.

and the government has done much to undermine this also, but taking on the role of savior of all community woes those of the
communities not longer have the time to assist their neighbors. Everyone is to busy trying to make a dollar to pay uncle sam and everyone
thinks uncle sam is to whom those in trouble should turn in times of need. If the community has lost it's identity it is easier to control.


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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #51 on: September 30, 2008, 09:19:30 AM »
Isnt that the truth of it all right there.

Offline Caaveman82

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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2008, 04:51:10 AM »
caave, everything someone does affects someone else, no matter what it is. Given your line of logic, a bike should be banned because as we all know, you can get just as hurt wearing all the gear you can get. Using your logic, you still made the CHOICE to get on a 2 wheeled machine that is MUCH more dangerous than a car. Lets take it further. Hunting a dangerous activity. You can accidentally shoot yourself or someone which can incur medical charges hoisted on the public.
CRAP! We can all get mashed up in cars too!!! HOLY $H!T!!!! OMG! I can get hurt WALKING!!! AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
See where this goes? And it ALL follows your line of logic.  The true mark of a society is how its people care for each other.
NOT how much money people have.

Your right, if you want to take every word I say out of context. I don't want to pay for those who make a bad decision and get hurt. If you use your safety gear and still get hurt fine. At least you gave it a shot. The thing is, there is no good excuse not to protect your dome. Period. The end. hindsight...that last post of mine...yea...just a lil on the harsh side...sorry guys...

No way man. I'm with you 100%. Choice, choice, choice. We don't live in a democracy (speaking for those of us in America), so why should we have the choice? I can list off a hundred and one stupid laws, but they are there because some idiot ruined it for everyone else. I am all about freedom, but if your choice infringes on my ability to make choices then screw your choice. You become a veggie because you "chose" not to wear a helmet and your laying in a hospital with no insurance and my tax dollars are keeping your lungs going, guess what? You just took money out of my pocket, which in turn takes away from my Constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Argue that how ever you want, it boils down your an idiot and I, a helmet user, has to pay for it. No thanks man. No sympathy, pull the plug.
Are you old enough to have a 401(k)? Has your job been outsourced or are you laid off because of the poor choices of executives in the auto industry or the banking sector? I suppose you want to shoot them next because they took(are taking) your money also? If money is what your "right to happiness" hinges upon, you'll find plenty of people to blame.  You want to pull the plug on the handicapped who get assistance from your state or federal government, too? How about the elderly? Cap them, too? Where does it end? 1939 all over again. Our democracy that you dismiss so readily is what allows you to blather on without the Black Shirts coming to stifle you. You haven't seen REAL oppression obviously, or you wouldn't speak as you do. I resent you saying you are speaking for me as an American, because you aren't.

     First of all my field did not necessary get outsourced but it became unworkable. Lack of sack on immigration laws caused the construction job I worked when I was 18 in Minnesota at fifteen bucks an hour, to go down to 10 dollars an hour in California 5 years later. I enlisted at nineteen right after September 11th. Did my four. Loved California, tried to set up residence there, but there was no jobs. Any where. So I spose the anwser to your question is no, but I'm damn close.

     Second, no. No I don't feel the need to go after these fools who screwed up the industry. If you let a wolverine into a pre-school and tell it not to eat, but don't tie it up, you are asking for trouble. Like cutting a multi million dollar banker loose and saying "Don't break any laws now, we won't enforce, but just don't do it." Right....

      There is no secret who is to blame. 81% of the country agrees. Who cares, too late for that, fix it.

      Back on subject, no I don't want to kill handicap people. That's probably the worst thing I've ever heard. I would mind having murderers and rapists put to death a lot sooner though.

    My stance is that if you make a stupid decision and end up in jail/hospital why should I have to pay for your Tom foolary?
Do not act as though you could kill time without injuring eternity. - Dave Thoreau


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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2008, 10:43:11 AM »
But don't you see caave, ther is NO definition on what is a stupid choice. To many, our riding bikes is stupid regardless of our gear. Some of these same people love football but isn't voluntarily getting hit like that a bad choice? I mean there are MANY football players that have lifelong injuries. Yet to others, a rodeo is absolutely fine but I think it is stupid. Do you smoke? I think that is stupid but I still pay for care for smokers.

So you see, I did NOT take your words out of context, I took them out of YOUR context but that in no way invalidates my point. If we were to try and limit stupid activities, then we may as well not even have health care unless you got the money as there is no way EVERYONE will agree on a list of stupid activities.
So you can either have big brother limit everything we do to a small list OR we keep our freedom of choice and we all support each other.

Is that making more sense?

Offline Caaveman82

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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2008, 03:00:08 PM »
But don't you see caave, ther is NO definition on what is a stupid choice. To many, our riding bikes is stupid regardless of our gear. Some of these same people love football but isn't voluntarily getting hit like that a bad choice? I mean there are MANY football players that have lifelong injuries. Yet to others, a rodeo is absolutely fine but I think it is stupid. Do you smoke? I think that is stupid but I still pay for care for smokers.

So you see, I did NOT take your words out of context, I took them out of YOUR context but that in no way invalidates my point. If we were to try and limit stupid activities, then we may as well not even have health care unless you got the money as there is no way EVERYONE will agree on a list of stupid activities.
So you can either have big brother limit everything we do to a small list OR we keep our freedom of choice and we all support each other.

Is that making more sense?

     Literally everything we do has a restriction does it not? Driving a car, you wear your safety belt, you drive the speed limit, etc. etc. Would you argue a rape case by saying "Obviously my client should have the right to choose!" Probably not, right? Don't get worked up and tell me they are two different subjects, because the way your arguing it, they are not. This is not some hostile government take over conspiracy thread.

     Oh looks like it's too late huh? Thats a rather large choice that we no longer have. How much freedom do you really think you have? There are so many mundane laws and regulations out there I would bet my next pay check that any one of us breaks the law, ten maybe fifteen times a day, without even knowing it.

     You are basically saying that we should have a choice no matter what. You do have the choice, you always will have the choice, if it's a law to wear the helmet, doesn't mean you have to. I'm sure you speed, I don't see a car on the road that doesn't. I'm sure you don't come to a complete stop every time at every stop sign. So why should this be any different? Just because you have a better chance at being caught doing it, doesn't mean you don't have the choice.

      "Well I want to be able to choose without having to worry about consequences of my actions." Oh so you want your cake and to be able to eat it to? Well, as my grandfather told me a long time ago "Welcome to the real world buck-o."

     "Big brother" owns you and me and the rest of us, weather you want to believe that or not. I am all for no healthcare unless you can afford it. Why? Because I will spend my cash on that above everything else. I am even more for abolishing our money system all together and having small community based economies. Ain't gunna happin.

     Realistically this has become an arguement on abortion. I'm pro-choice and I know I'll never change a pro-lifer's point of view. I'm pro-helmet and pro-freedom. You are anti-helmet and pro-freedom. This has become an arguement of semantics. In this situation law X will be the downfall of choice because if government is allowed to pass it then law P,Q, and R might also be put into effect because they are very closely related, and if that happens then it's all over because laws A - K will be submited, and that will be the end of our freedom as we know it.

     I exclude myself from the group that voted in the patriot act, can you say the same? You want to talk about abolsihing freedom, that was the first mistake. You want freedom of choice? Good thing you can vote, if it ever comes up vote no, if the government wants it to happen, it'll happen. Sorry dude. America, home of the goverened.

Do not act as though you could kill time without injuring eternity. - Dave Thoreau


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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #55 on: October 01, 2008, 07:09:03 PM »
Now you are trying to pull things from everywhere. It still does not change the fact I am right.

But lets look at some of your points.
Literally everything we do has a restriction does it not? Driving a car, you wear your safety belt, you drive the speed limit, etc. etc. Would you argue a rape case by saying "Obviously my client should have the right to choose!" Probably not, right? Don't get worked up and tell me they are two different subjects, because the way your arguing it, they are not. This is not some hostile government take over conspiracy thread.   
No not a conspiracy thread, no one said it was. And yes, most things DO have restrictions of some sort, weather placed my humans or nature. Thats life, get used to it.

Oh looks like it's too late huh? Thats a rather large choice that we no longer have. How much freedom do you really think you have? There are so many mundane laws and regulations out there I would bet my next pay check that any one of us breaks the law, ten maybe fifteen times a day, without even knowing it.

That may be so, but then how many people actually KNOW the full law? Even lawyers who's JOB it is to know the whole law, STILL do not know it all. There are even laws that cancel each other out. So tell me, what was the point of that?

You are basically saying that we should have a choice no matter what. You do have the choice, you always will have the choice, if it's a law to wear the helmet, doesn't mean you have to. I'm sure you speed, I don't see a car on the road that doesn't. I'm sure you don't come to a complete stop every time at every stop sign. So why should this be any different? Just because you have a better chance at being caught doing it, doesn't mean you don't have the choice.
Far from it, there needs to be limits and laws. If there were not, we would still be in caves. One day a caveman got the idea of order and progress and millenia later, here we are. Going into space and all sorts of wondrous things. If we lose rights and freedoms, it is OUR fault. It is up to US to see that our govt does as we wish. As no one seems to care anymore, well I do not like the thought. We do have the choice to also break the law, but we make that choice knowing full well the results.

"Well I want to be able to choose without having to worry about consequences of my actions." Oh so you want your cake and to be able to eat it to? Well, as my grandfather told me a long time ago "Welcome to the real world buck-o."
Smart man, you do not seem to follow that though. You spout your narrow views of the world and you have seen very little of it. I have not seen that much of it either, difference is that I watch and see before I shoot my mouth off. I probably was not so restrained when I was 25 either, but a person grows in wisdom as they age, at least they are supposed to. NEVER did I say I do not want to accept responsibility for my actions. If you read that somewhere, you need to read again.

"Big brother" owns you and me and the rest of us, weather you want to believe that or not. I am all for no healthcare unless you can afford it. Why? Because I will spend my cash on that above everything else. I am even more for abolishing our money system all together and having small community based economies. Ain't gunna happin.
Big Brother? Oh you mean our govt. It IS big brother now because we let it be. If we cared more about EVERYONES well being instead of getting what we want, it may not have happened.
As for small community economies, why would you want that again? If you bothered to read ANY history, you will realize we DID do that at one time. As the world grew, metaphorically speaking, our economies did to. They had to. Unless of course you want every location to be isolated and never have any progress in the world. Turn in your keys now as your system would probably only have horses for transportation. Again, why go back to an archaic system thats been dead for hundreds of years?

Realistically this has become an arguement on abortion. I'm pro-choice and I know I'll never change a pro-lifer's point of view. I'm pro-helmet and pro-freedom. You are anti-helmet and pro-freedom. This has become an arguement of semantics. In this situation law X will be the downfall of choice because if government is allowed to pass it then law P,Q, and R might also be put into effect because they are very closely related, and if that happens then it's all over because laws A - K will be submited, and that will be the end of our freedom as we know it.
In what way? I am NOT anti-helmet. If I was, why would I wear one even though my state does not require it? think about it. Pretty obvious isn't it. I CHOOSE to. I AM pro-choice based on a set of morals that ALL humans should believe in. Do not murder, do not steal, things like that. Simple stuff really, IF you choose to THINK about it.
As for your "laws" things, when HASN'T that happened? Ever since man evolved into societies, we have had laws doing that VERY thing.

I exclude myself from the group that voted in the patriot act, can you say the same? You want to talk about abolsihing freedom, that was the first mistake. You want freedom of choice? Good thing you can vote, if it ever comes up vote no, if the government wants it to happen, it'll happen. Sorry dude. America, home of the goverened.

The patriot act went in October 2001, you were just 18 and probably barely knew where to vote. As WE did NOT vote on the patriot act, your statement is already FALSE. I WROTE to my congressmen and informed them of my thoughts and wishes AGAINST the patriot act. Apparently you did not otherwise you would know you could NOT vote against it.

Sorry if I come across as an #$%* but you make a lot of false or ill-thought out statements. You also seem to want to assume a lot of things about me, not a one which has been correct. When you get a little older, you will probably think different, IF you have an open mind. And you know what? A few years after that, you will probably discover you have different thoughts again. Like I said, it is called wisdom and I know that no matter how hard a person tries, they cannot always keep an open mind. I am guilty of it just the same as everyone else. It is called being human.

Another thing with being human is that there is never going to be ANYTHING which all of us will ever agree on. We cant even agree what happens when we die. THAT is my whole point. Take it or leave it but I know it works for me.
I am happy with my life, something that it sounds like you lack. I might be wrong but you sure seem to have a lot of pent up anger.

Offline Caaveman82

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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2008, 09:07:15 PM »
Now you are trying to pull things from everywhere. It still does not change the fact I am right.

Correct, in your opinion.

Literally everything we do has a restriction does it not? Driving a car, you wear your safety belt, you drive the speed limit, etc. etc. Would you argue a rape case by saying "Obviously my client should have the right to choose!" Probably not, right? Don't get worked up and tell me they are two different subjects, because the way your arguing it, they are not. This is not some hostile government take over conspiracy thread.  
No not a conspiracy thread, no one said it was. And yes, most things DO have restrictions of some sort, weather placed my humans or nature. Thats life, get used to it.

I am plenty used to restrictions. I am the one saying who gives a flying ya know about helmet laws. Remember?

Oh looks like it's too late huh? Thats a rather large choice that we no longer have. How much freedom do you really think you have? There are so many mundane laws and regulations out there I would bet my next pay check that any one of us breaks the law, ten maybe fifteen times a day, without even knowing it.

That may be so, but then how many people actually KNOW the full law? Even lawyers who's JOB it is to know the whole law, STILL do not know it all. There are even laws that cancel each other out. So tell me, what was the point of that?

You are absolutely right about the laws. One hundred percent. So what's one more? Why this specific law? Why make this your battle? The psycology of this says to me the same assumption you have of me, too much anger. That or maybe over protective parents. Maybe an overly controlling wife? So you spend your time trying to argue some piddly non-important law by "spouting" off your mouth to a twenty five year old online in a message board. Though, I've been wrong before. It'll happen again.

You are basically saying that we should have a choice no matter what. You do have the choice, you always will have the choice, if it's a law to wear the helmet, doesn't mean you have to. I'm sure you speed, I don't see a car on the road that doesn't. I'm sure you don't come to a complete stop every time at every stop sign. So why should this be any different? Just because you have a better chance at being caught doing it, doesn't mean you don't have the choice.
Far from it, there needs to be limits and laws. If there were not, we would still be in caves. One day a caveman got the idea of order and progress and millenia later, here we are. Going into space and all sorts of wondrous things. If we lose rights and freedoms, it is OUR fault. It is up to US to see that our govt does as we wish. As no one seems to care anymore, well I do not like the thought. We do have the choice to also break the law, but we make that choice knowing full well the results.
No arguement here. Except that true law and order wasn't actually founded till years after "cavemen", though I'm just trying to split hairs here.... for fun, you know?

"Well I want to be able to choose without having to worry about consequences of my actions." Oh so you want your cake and to be able to eat it to? Well, as my grandfather told me a long time ago "Welcome to the real world buck-o."
Smart man, you do not seem to follow that though. You spout your narrow views of the world and you have seen very little of it. I have not seen that much of it either, difference is that I watch and see before I shoot my mouth off. I probably was not so restrained when I was 25 either, but a person grows in wisdom as they age, at least they are supposed to. NEVER did I say I do not want to accept responsibility for my actions. If you read that somewhere, you need to read again.

He was a smart man. Now you call my views narrow because you disagree with them. I'm pretty sure that is the definition of being narrow minded. Like you claim, you are also making assumptions of me that are not necessarily true. I, my friend, have actually seen much of the world. I surely will state, with much confidence, not arrogence, but confidence, that I have a much broader view and am extrememly open to others opinions, which is why you will never here a rebuttle from me saying "I'm right."

etc. etc. etc.

I am not trying to start a war here. Despite what you think, I am not angry, nor did I get offended by anything you said. Your opinion is your opinion and that's super great. The only time I ever came close to offended was during the last post of yours, presuming that I was trying to make generalizations about you and then you turning around and trying to make some about me.

Sorry if I come across as an #$%* but you make a lot of false or ill-thought out statements. You also seem to want to assume a lot of things about me, not a one which has been correct. When you get a little older, you will probably think different, IF you have an open mind. And you know what? A few years after that, you will probably discover you have different thoughts again. Like I said, it is called wisdom and I know that no matter how hard a person tries, they cannot always keep an open mind. I am guilty of it just the same as everyone else. It is called being human.

Another thing with being human is that there is never going to be ANYTHING which all of us will ever agree on. We cant even agree what happens when we die. THAT is my whole point. Take it or leave it but I know it works for me.
I am happy with my life, something that it sounds like you lack. I might be wrong but you sure seem to have a lot of pent up anger.

Again because you don't agree doesn't make it wrong. Please don't misunderstand, I was not trying to call you wrong nor me right. I thought it was a debate, but this last post you threw out got a little less debatish and a little more personal. I'm going to give you a big amen on the "Another thing with being human is that there is never going to be ANYTHING which all of us will ever agree on" but "I am happy with my life, something that it sounds like you lack." was a low blow. Like I said not offended, just warry. Don't need to make enemies over a topic like this, that really in the grand scheme of things does not matter. Though even that can be argued either way, just like everything. If I said something in my previous post that upseted you or made you feel like you needed to attack me instead of just defend your opinion, I apologize.

I'd just like to agree to disagree and call it a day, if that's okay with you.
Do not act as though you could kill time without injuring eternity. - Dave Thoreau


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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #57 on: October 02, 2008, 08:02:37 AM »
Things are only personal if you take them that way. And if you take them that way, you have to ask yourself why. Half the answers you get about why people do not agree with you are differ from you opinion, you can get just by asking your self "why". Introspection is a very powerful tool when used. I based my thoughts of you possibly having pent up anger, not from our little thing here, but your previous posts. Also partly on the appearance that you care more about money than other people if they do something YOU think is stupid.

As for a controlling wife, aren't they all in someway? But then it goes both ways, well it should anyways, in a good relationship. Protective parents, I wish. My parents divorced before I was 2 and then my mom married a jackoff who got her into drugs for years. I learned almost nothing from them other than what bongs where and what shotgunning is before I was 10. Pretty amazing that after all that, I still never did drugs. Never even tried them, however I also did not get much of the guidance a lot of people get. In essence, aside from food and clothing, I had to do everything else myself. So my manners are probably a little lax.
I state things as I see them, I don't really care if people do not like it. I do not try to attack in a personal fashion but I suppose it my be possible that I do it. Oh well. Thats life I guess. In the half, what others do not think is a personal attack, I might. But then isn't that how it is with everyone? Which is why I do not worry about it much. If a person is easily offended, develop thicker skin I guess.

I certainly am not trying to take your opinion away. I am just trying to give you another view in which to look at things. Is it a better view? A broader view? Maybe, maybe not. Just a different one. The problem with views is that they are always changing. One day you will look back and think "geez I was an idiot!" I have done it and what is really funny is years from now, I am sure I will do it again. life is funny like that but it does make things interesting.

Ok so I have rambled enough. regardless of what I may have wrote or how it sounds, I do respect your opinion.  Don't worry, it is all oil under the bike! ;)

Offline Caaveman82

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Re: Helmets, Again!
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2008, 08:56:23 AM »
Hey man I come from a simular background and I have made the choice to rise above it. I once again apologize for anything that was taken the wrong way. I also respect your opinion.

We all have our own reasons for beliving the things we believe and that's fine with me.

Oil under the bike sounds good. lol

Do not act as though you could kill time without injuring eternity. - Dave Thoreau