Now you are trying to pull things from everywhere. It still does not change the fact I am right.
But lets look at some of your points.
Literally everything we do has a restriction does it not? Driving a car, you wear your safety belt, you drive the speed limit, etc. etc. Would you argue a rape case by saying "Obviously my client should have the right to choose!" Probably not, right? Don't get worked up and tell me they are two different subjects, because the way your arguing it, they are not. This is not some hostile government take over conspiracy thread.
No not a conspiracy thread, no one said it was. And yes, most things DO have restrictions of some sort, weather placed my humans or nature. Thats life, get used to it.
Oh looks like it's too late huh? Thats a rather large choice that we no longer have. How much freedom do you really think you have? There are so many mundane laws and regulations out there I would bet my next pay check that any one of us breaks the law, ten maybe fifteen times a day, without even knowing it.
That may be so, but then how many people actually KNOW the full law? Even lawyers who's JOB it is to know the whole law, STILL do not know it all. There are even laws that cancel each other out. So tell me, what was the point of that?
You are basically saying that we should have a choice no matter what. You do have the choice, you always will have the choice, if it's a law to wear the helmet, doesn't mean you have to. I'm sure you speed, I don't see a car on the road that doesn't. I'm sure you don't come to a complete stop every time at every stop sign. So why should this be any different? Just because you have a better chance at being caught doing it, doesn't mean you don't have the choice.
Far from it, there needs to be limits and laws. If there were not, we would still be in caves. One day a caveman got the idea of order and progress and millenia later, here we are. Going into space and all sorts of wondrous things. If we lose rights and freedoms, it is OUR fault. It is up to US to see that our govt does as we wish. As no one seems to care anymore, well I do not like the thought. We do have the choice to also break the law, but we make that choice knowing full well the results.
"Well I want to be able to choose without having to worry about consequences of my actions." Oh so you want your cake and to be able to eat it to? Well, as my grandfather told me a long time ago "Welcome to the real world buck-o."
Smart man, you do not seem to follow that though. You spout your narrow views of the world and you have seen very little of it. I have not seen that much of it either, difference is that I watch and see before I shoot my mouth off. I probably was not so restrained when I was 25 either, but a person grows in wisdom as they age, at least they are supposed to. NEVER did I say I do not want to accept responsibility for my actions. If you read that somewhere, you need to read again.
"Big brother" owns you and me and the rest of us, weather you want to believe that or not. I am all for no healthcare unless you can afford it. Why? Because I will spend my cash on that above everything else. I am even more for abolishing our money system all together and having small community based economies. Ain't gunna happin.
Big Brother? Oh you mean our govt. It IS big brother now because we let it be. If we cared more about EVERYONES well being instead of getting what we want, it may not have happened.
As for small community economies, why would you want that again? If you bothered to read ANY history, you will realize we DID do that at one time. As the world grew, metaphorically speaking, our economies did to. They had to. Unless of course you want every location to be isolated and never have any progress in the world. Turn in your keys now as your system would probably only have horses for transportation. Again, why go back to an archaic system thats been dead for hundreds of years?
Realistically this has become an arguement on abortion. I'm pro-choice and I know I'll never change a pro-lifer's point of view. I'm pro-helmet and pro-freedom. You are anti-helmet and pro-freedom. This has become an arguement of semantics. In this situation law X will be the downfall of choice because if government is allowed to pass it then law P,Q, and R might also be put into effect because they are very closely related, and if that happens then it's all over because laws A - K will be submited, and that will be the end of our freedom as we know it.
In what way? I am NOT anti-helmet. If I was, why would I wear one even though my state does not require it? think about it. Pretty obvious isn't it. I CHOOSE to. I AM pro-choice based on a set of morals that ALL humans should believe in. Do not murder, do not steal, things like that. Simple stuff really, IF you choose to THINK about it.
As for your "laws" things, when HASN'T that happened? Ever since man evolved into societies, we have had laws doing that VERY thing.
I exclude myself from the group that voted in the patriot act, can you say the same? You want to talk about abolsihing freedom, that was the first mistake. You want freedom of choice? Good thing you can vote, if it ever comes up vote no, if the government wants it to happen, it'll happen. Sorry dude. America, home of the goverened.
The patriot act went in October 2001, you were just 18 and probably barely knew where to vote. As WE did NOT vote on the patriot act, your statement is already FALSE. I WROTE to my congressmen and informed them of my thoughts and wishes AGAINST the patriot act. Apparently you did not otherwise you would know you could NOT vote against it.
Sorry if I come across as an #$%* but you make a lot of false or ill-thought out statements. You also seem to want to assume a lot of things about me, not a one which has been correct. When you get a little older, you will probably think different, IF you have an open mind. And you know what? A few years after that, you will probably discover you have different thoughts again. Like I said, it is called wisdom and I know that no matter how hard a person tries, they cannot always keep an open mind. I am guilty of it just the same as everyone else. It is called being human.
Another thing with being human is that there is never going to be ANYTHING which all of us will ever agree on. We cant even agree what happens when we die.
THAT is my whole point. Take it or leave it but I know it works for me.
I am happy with my life, something that it sounds like you lack. I might be wrong but you sure seem to have a lot of pent up anger.