when hamish was little (6 weeks old when it started) he beat the hell out of the roomates rottie, stole it's food and milk bones, the roomate moved out because of hamish (useful little guy he was) and he terrorized my horses as well. i walked out my back door and in 20 yards was at the barn, just a 3 stall shedrow barn i built. hamish would sit on the bottom rail of my 17.3hh thoroughbred/percheron cross and swat at her muzzle when she went down for her hay. this little tiny ball of brown and tan fluff that weighed less than a pount at that point had my giant 1500 pound mare terrorized, she'd cower and shake in the corner of her stall when she saw him. his other trick was when i'd turn the horses out in the morning (or afternoon during the summer months, night turnout) hamish would run up behind sky and jump up onto her tail and hook on with his claws, well he ears would pin back and she'd flick her tail real hard and hamish would go tumbling ass over teakettle, and he'd do it over and over again as long as i had the mare on a lead rope.