Author Topic: Compression question.  (Read 6043 times)

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Offline tonycb650

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2008, 07:07:31 PM »
80cb650c 80 cm400

Offline MRieck

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2008, 07:53:56 PM »
Would doing a ring job and rebuilding the top end really be that much money? .
It depends on whether you just want it to run or want it to run well.


What am I looking at in terms of materials besides new rings and a new gasket set?
A quality valve job with valves that don't have the faces hammered goes a long way. A leak down test is essential for engine sealing analysis. Compression tests are not analytical at all..... they are like saying my tire isn't holding air but it could be the the nail in the tread or the air stem that has a large gash in it.
 Compression tests are good for an engine that you know is well sealing BUT you want to see cranking can give you an idea of compression ratios (kinda of I guess). ::)
Owner of the "Million Dollar CB"

Offline Sheik Yerbouti

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2008, 09:28:08 PM »
We've recently determined the compression is much stronger but incredibly uneven on two sides. I'm pretty sure it just needs a valve adjustment, but I'm going to replace the rings anyway.

Offline MRieck

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2008, 10:20:23 PM »
We've recently determined the compression is much stronger but incredibly uneven on two sides. I'm pretty sure it just needs a valve adjustment, but I'm going to replace the rings anyway.
If you take it apart why not do both?
Owner of the "Million Dollar CB"

Offline Sheik Yerbouti

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2008, 11:07:01 PM »
Yeah, I mistyped. I meant to say that I'm going to do both while I'm at it. And what the hell, a new head gasket too. It's like Christmas.


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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2008, 02:15:02 AM »
Yeah, I mistyped. I meant to say that I'm going to do both while I'm at it. And what the hell, a new head gasket too. It's like Christmas.

if you rip it apart,i would put a headgasket in,yes...... :D :D :D :D


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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2008, 07:12:37 AM »
The bike needs a lot of work.
I would consider it a parts bike purchase, especially since you can't run it, and thats what I would tell the seller.
Its a pig and a poke.  Who knows problems are ahead.
The seller has no desire to keep it stored or work on it.
I would offer $150 then $200. I'm sure he will jump on it.
But if he doesn't accept the offer simply ask whats his lowest price to remove it, today. 
Your still in negotiation mode on this. 

I have three 80's CB650's in a little better condition.     Pd $100 to $350
I just sold a  1983 Honda Nighthawk 650 for $590 you could drive home.
Look here  ---
I'm not sure if that link worked, cause I deleted it after it sold.
I'm just saying, that's not the only deal out there.

I am more interested in 350 - 550 though. 
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 04:56:32 PM by pelermon »

Offline Sheik Yerbouti

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2008, 03:55:18 PM »
Wait, tell me how you really feel.   :-\

Well the truth of the matter is I want a major project to work on, I want to spend countless hours rebuilding the engine with greasy hands. I want to stand back when I'm done and say to myself that I know every single aspect of the machine in front of me. It's not like I have a girlfriend or anything (I need a motorcycle to get one of those).

Offline Sheik Yerbouti

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2008, 04:04:59 PM »
Also, any idea why I got such high compression readings?

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2008, 04:53:57 PM »
Put enough oil in a paper sack and it will test good.

Prices are funny on these.  Owners either get insulted because I offer them too little for their "classic" Honda or think they took me to the cleaners,  ::) same price.  I actually like when a seller fusses some about lowering because they know more about the bike than I do.  Sometimes they are just desperate to get rid of the frustration and headaches of a 575 pound, non-running boat anchor. I usually pay asking price, or nothing at all, and am courteous throughout.  I have no control over the condition of the bike, it is an unknown, and I have no control over the sellers opinion of the value.  Many times, they sell fair and I get a good project.  I will do what ever a bike takes to make it road worthy.  Some bikes fight me, some were steals with few problems. It all averages out and it is all good.  Cash is no fun at all, an old Honda? now that is fun!

(PS - I think it is "pig in a poke" but have no first hand knowledge  :D)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 04:58:13 PM by »

Offline MRieck

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2008, 04:57:20 PM »
Put enough oil in a paper sack and it will test good.

Prices are funny on these.  Owners either get insulted because I offer them too little for their "classic" Honda or think they took me to the cleaners,  ::) same price.  I actually like when a seller fusses some about lowering because they know more about the bike than I do.  Sometimes they are just desperate to get rid of the frustration and headaches of a 575 pound, non-running boat anchor. I usually pay asking price, or nothing at all, and am courteous throughout.  I have no control over the condition of the bike, it is an unknown, and I have no control over the sellers opinion of the value.  Many times, they sell fair and I get a good project.  I will do what ever a bike takes to make it road worthy.  Some bikes fight me, some were steals with few problems. It all averages out and it is all good.  Cash is no fun at all, an old Honda? now that is fun!
I've told many people to just sell the bike isn't buried treasure. ;)
Owner of the "Million Dollar CB"


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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2008, 05:07:11 PM »
Ah ha - I see a big problem already.
If its a girl friend you your after, your going to have to get a Harley.
Then you will have two problems.

But if you want countless hours of greasy hands, I say you are looking at the right bike.

Sorry, my fingers are usually not that blunt.

Anyway, that 650 just may workout for you. I think you may be able to get it less then $450.
I won't even tell you what I just picked up today for $325.

Wait, tell me how you really feel.   :-\

Well the truth of the matter is I want a major project to work on, I want to spend countless hours rebuilding the engine with greasy hands. I want to stand back when I'm done and say to myself that I know every single aspect of the machine in front of me. It's not like I have a girlfriend or anything (I need a motorcycle to get one of those).

Offline Sheik Yerbouti

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2008, 05:16:56 PM »
Ah ha - I see a big problem already.
If its a girl friend you your after, your going to have to get a Harley.
Then you will have two problems.

But if you want countless hours of greasy hands, I say you are looking at the right bike.

Sorry, my fingers are usually not that blunt.

Anyway, that 650 just may workout for you. I think you may be able to get it less then $450.
I won't even tell you what I just picked up today for $325.

Wait, tell me how you really feel.   :-\

Well the truth of the matter is I want a major project to work on, I want to spend countless hours rebuilding the engine with greasy hands. I want to stand back when I'm done and say to myself that I know every single aspect of the machine in front of me. It's not like I have a girlfriend or anything (I need a motorcycle to get one of those).

No worries. I'll never get a Harley, not in a million years.

And I kind of just had my heart set on a CB750, I've wanted one for years. I've been browsing craigslist religiously for the past 9 months and this is the best I've come up with in the Cincinnati area. I offered him a low number, we'll see if he takes it, if not I'll move on.

Offline ev0lve

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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2008, 05:56:02 PM »
I feel you on the Craigslist. Get an RSS reader. Craigslist has a link at the bottom of the page. Set your search criteria ( cb750, cb 750, honda 750, whatever you like in the motorcycle category ) and let the reader do the work. I didn't have to wait as long as you but still had to look at 6 - 7 machines before I found the one I got and had to split early from work so it wouldn't get sniped once it popped up on the RSS reader.

As to grease, well, every weekend I scrub and every Friday there's still a little bit along the edges of my fingernails and I still haven't got the engine back in the bike yet :)

Good luck! You'll know it's the right one when you see it! Unless you already got it :)

« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 06:03:26 PM by Iggy »


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Re: Compression question.
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2008, 07:07:06 PM »
You want to go shopping.
Why didn't you say so.

Ah ha - I see a big problem already.
If its a girl friend you your after, your going to have to get a Harley.
Then you will have two problems.

But if you want countless hours of greasy hands, I say you are looking at the right bike.

Sorry, my fingers are usually not that blunt.

Anyway, that 650 just may workout for you. I think you may be able to get it less then $450.
I won't even tell you what I just picked up today for $325.

Wait, tell me how you really feel.   :-\

Well the truth of the matter is I want a major project to work on, I want to spend countless hours rebuilding the engine with greasy hands. I want to stand back when I'm done and say to myself that I know every single aspect of the machine in front of me. It's not like I have a girlfriend or anything (I need a motorcycle to get one of those).

No worries. I'll never get a Harley, not in a million years.

And I kind of just had my heart set on a CB750, I've wanted one for years. I've been browsing craigslist religiously for the past 9 months and this is the best I've come up with in the Cincinnati area. I offered him a low number, we'll see if he takes it, if not I'll move on.