In some machinery I work on at the day job I've used several different brands over the years, SKF is in there now and doesn't seem to be lasting any longer than any of the other brands I've been supplied, this is a continuous-feed paper cutting system, very dusty, lots of vibration, and all of the bearing bores and shafts have been beaten up by other techs over the years so that nothing lines up quite right anymore. My point being that cheap Chinese bearings, Korean, french, Spanish, South American, and even some old NOS American made bearings all lasted the same interval in this machine before sound and vibration prompted replacement.
I'm a little undecided which bearings to use myself on my bikes, if my suspicion is right and they're all pretty much the same to a certain degree... I could just use whatever's cheap enough and swap them out in a season or two.
What kind of mileage are you guys getting out of bearings you're happy with? And what kind of riding do you do....wet/dry/cold/hot/dusty/dirty?
That's the info I'd need to make an educated decision, if you're happy with your bearings because you think a 20 mile ride on a sunny day is 'where it's at'....I'm not talking to you, sorry for being plain and blunt about that.