Author Topic: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.  (Read 11913 times)

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Offline 78_SaltLick

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WEll, i have my permit but need to take the driving portion of the test to get my license. Eveyrone here in oregon says oregon has the tougest driving test in the nation. I decided to not take the driving portion at the DMV, becaue of all the horror stories ive heard of people dropping thier bikes during the test, and how impossible it is to pass if you have anything over 500cc.  Some say the cones are literally not far enough apart to make it with a bigger bike. So....i decided to forgoe the DVM test and pay $80 and take the 8hr course they offered instead. This is ADVERSTISED as if you take this class, the DMV waives taking the driving portion. it is an intermediate motorcycle skills class. Well i spent 8 grueling hrs today in the rain on a piece of crap dirt bike at that place today (they supply the bikes)  but figured oh well i had to get my endorsement the end of the class the instructor flunked me! I did not get my endorsement. At the end of this class, they inform you that you now have to take the same test the DMV gives. They grade you, and deduct points just like the DMV. You can only miss like 21 points. I missed 26. There was 5 tests, all of them not easy i will tell ya that. i was not the only one that didnt pass. how did i loose 26 points? 10 point deduction because i put on my brakes before my front tire hit the line. 10 points off because i did not turn my head well enough the instructor said when i was making a sharp turn. And six points off because i hit one cone barely with my tire. Thats it, i was done. I paid 80 bucks and spent one hellish afternoon and stilll....did not get my endorsement. This was an intermediatte class, and everyone i talked to in that class said the course they had set up was almost impossible. What the hell? I feel this is false advertising, if i knew they were going to give us the same test at the end of the day the DMV gave, i would have saved my money and taken it there and had the rest of SAT off. okay im done. Ahhh is it this hard in other states? jesus.
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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2005, 02:35:47 AM »
hi 78 salt lick
you think thats bad you want to try getting your bike licence in the uk compulsary basic training theroy test and then a practical on the road all you have to do and more dont you just love officialdom lol


Offline Gordon

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2005, 08:23:26 AM »
I lucked out getting my license in Texas.  All I had to do was ride around the block with the trooper following in a car.  Passed with flying colors!  I think there was a short computer test, but it was so easy I can't really remember. 

When I moved to Oregon, I had to take a really difficult computer test to get the MC endorsement even though I already had it on my Texas license.  I'm surprised they didn't make me do the road test as well.  And they charged me $90 for the privelege!  >:(

Offline jotor

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2005, 09:20:19 AM »
When I moved from Ohio to Utah (a loooong time ago) Ohio didn't have a motorcycel endorsement.  If you had a car license you could ride a bike.  I took the Utah drivers license exam and just told them I had been riding bikes for several years.  They gave me the MC endorsement without the test.  :-)

In your case, why not just rent a moped for the day?
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Offline dpen

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2005, 11:10:57 AM »
It's good to be an old fart.
I don't think I'd pass any test today but when I got my licence in 1971 it was easy.
I pulled up at Wagga Police Station, saw the bloke inside & he came out to show me the test route.
He took one look at the bike & said "I know that bike, you're one of those mad RAAF blokes. Ride somewhere for five minutes while I do the paperwork".


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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2005, 11:23:20 AM »
You may want to check to see if there is any other dmv approved courses that are NOT run by the dmv. You can do these and it is not a pass of fail thing like the dmv is.

Here in ND, we have a group called ABATE, if you take their course, on their bikes which are only 250s and in good shape, they instruct you and when you finish it, you get your license and insurance companies can give you lower ins.

It is $60 here but Im sure it varies by state.  Check into this.

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2005, 12:48:08 PM »
I got my driving license in Nashvile with a Harley V-Rod... but no cones to do a slalom, I reckon the driving portion lasted about 50 seconds... and not because of the speed, I did the whole test in first gear. I think I have told you already in the forum how the test was.


Offline Bodi

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2005, 02:01:27 PM »
When I got my ticket I had to apply for a 1 day permit to ride to the testing station. If I failed, that would be revoked and I'd be pushing home.
There was no legal way to learn to ride on public roads, so I only practiced on private property with the owner's permission (honest, officer...).
The riding test was basic. Stop on the line, ride in a circle, and the tester asked me where the brake and clutch controls were. Then he sent me on the road to follow a prescribed course but there was no way he could have seen me, I guess if I survived and came back that was good enough.
The new testing is pretty good in comparison. You start with a basic daytime only and no highway (over 80km/h) license that lasts 3 months, after 2 months you can take the test for the next level (fairly easy test) and ride at night and on any road. Both these licenses have 0% blood alcohol restrictions. You keep the second level for at least 22 months then you can take another test (pretty hard test) and get an unrestricted license so you can ride to the bar and have a cool one and actually ride back, the normal alcohol limits apply of course.
If you take an approved course you get the beginner license right then and don't need to take the riding test for the second level if you apply within a few months.

Offline liquidplumber

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2005, 05:29:58 PM »
Pennsylvania has a motorcycle safety program.  Two Friday evenings, two Sundays, they supply the bikes.  All you need is a helmet, motorcycle permit (good for a year in PA.  $10.00 for permit).  It's free.  Once you pass, you get your license, and a discount on your insurance. 
Liverpool, PA, USA

Offline Jonesy

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2005, 07:47:49 PM »
I took the test and got my permit so I could ride with another rider. Then, when I took my skills test, I took it at a facility that provides a bike. The place I went to had a moped (well, in MI over 50 cc is considered a motorcycle, go figure...) so no clutching or gearshifting. Plus, the brakes weren't adjusted right, so the guy said if I squealed the tires in a stop, no points would be deducted, even though they are supposed to be. Needless to say, I passed with a perfect score!
"Every time I start thinking the world is all bad, then I start seeing people out there having a good time on motorcycles; it makes me take another look." -Steve McQueen


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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2005, 08:25:01 PM »
I'm curious:  How long have you been riding?

I've been riding dirt bikes for 15+ years (and no, I'm not 16, heh, I'm old), but now you have me worried about the Oregon test I have to take...

It seems like if I can negotiate a wet nasty steep muddy trail with 3-inch diameter branches at 45-degree angles across it that I'd be able to pass a road test, but who knows. They show diagrams of the test in the back of the book, and they do look a little tight...

What kind of crappy dual-sport did they have you on?  I was thinking about doing that same "Team Oregon" driving course near here with whatever bikes they have.  If they're awful, maybe I can borrow something little from a friend.  I've got a buddy with a '66 CL65, maybe that'd be good ;)

Oh, and see my response to your other post about selling your bike...

Sean Ross
Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Offline 78_SaltLick

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2005, 10:02:56 PM »
Hey Sean,

I use to ride alot, that was along time ago. My latest is with this bike, been riding it only a couple of months. But....i have ridden bikes all my life. I took the intermediatte class, this is much different than the Beginners class. My class on sat i watched 3 people dump thier bikes, people that had been riding along time. About half the class failed the test, and what sucks is they put me on a dirt bike with huge nobby tires. The problem was when you have to go real slow through cones, i mean real slow where you are basically alternating feathering the throttle and pulling the clutch in to make it through these tiny 5 cones, this dirtbike i had was really jerky with the throttle as alot of dirtbikes are. you give it a little throttle with the clutch out and the bike jerks, no matter how you ease the throttle on when you are going really really slow. i told my instructor this right off, i wanted another bike, there were 8 other regualar bikes to use. His answer was 'you need to get use to having to use any type of motorcycle at any time, yeah i know those have jerky throttles, but its all part of the learning process." then he walked away. These guys are #$%*s. They ASSiGN you a bike, even though they have many to choose from. And once they are assigned, you cannot change bikes.  i got royally screwed by getting a dirtbike. Everyone else got a street bike cruiser type, alot of honda 250 rebels, alot of suzuki rebel types. AT first i thought getting the dirtbike was better....WRONG. There is a huge difference between the two, and you do not want to get a dirtbike to try and pass a test where you have to weave through cones that are spaced so close together your barely keeping your bike from tipping over as you have to go so slow through these cones to make it without hitting one. On the final test, out of 10 people i watched at least half put thier feet down to make it through that part of the test. Automatic 10 points off for them. I watched guys that had been riding for years and years on sport bikes swear through the whole course because they could not manuever through it. Dont kid yourself, EVERY rider on that course was scared to death at the end of it all waiting to see if they passed, there wasnt one of us that was sure we made it, and we were all pretty good drivers. I would higly suggest you take the basic course if you can. There is no test at the end, and you are guaranteed to get your endorsement. Good luck.
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Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2005, 05:07:36 AM »
I've had my bike license for 25 years, but have never done any test. ever. There aren't many advantages in being an army jerk, but this is one of them. Cheers, "Dodgy" Terry. ;)
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

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Offline superchode

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2005, 06:22:02 AM »
It's good to be an old fart.
I don't think I'd pass any test today but when I got my licence in 1971 it was easy.
I pulled up at Wagga Police Station, saw the bloke inside & he came out to show me the test route.
He took one look at the bike & said "I know that bike, you're one of those mad RAAF blokes. Ride somewhere for five minutes while I do the paperwork".


the way it works here in ontario, canada isn't much different than the pennsylvania system which was posted about above.... except there's graduated licensing here.  easy 20 point mulitple choice for your beginner's license (no passenger allowed, can't ride after dark, no highways, zero blood/alcohol level) - then a test for the intermediate stage under which the only restriction is a zero blood-alcohol level.  this intermediate stage test can be done at a 3rd party course (the way I did it years ago and my wife did it this year) where you take one in-class session and two eight hour days of riding and very helpful instruction.  You're tested at this course. 

after 2 years and before 5 years you need to take the final test - which can only be done by the government license offices.  the stick a speaker in your ear and follow you around in a chase vehicle - giving you instructions on where to go.

Offline Dennis

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2005, 07:19:02 AM »
Hey Sean,

 I watched guys that had been riding for years and years on sport bikes swear through the whole course because they could not manuever through it. Dont kid yourself, EVERY rider on that course was scared to death at the end of it all waiting to see if they passed, there wasnt one of us that was sure we made it, and we were all pretty good drivers. I would higly suggest you take the basic course if you can. There is no test at the end, and you are guaranteed to get your endorsement. Good luck.

I rode my first bike in the '60's and got a license a couple of years later, so things have undoubtedly changed a great deal.
I know I'm missing something here, but if the "intermediate course" is such a horror and the beginner course just about guarantees a ticket, why would anyone try to get licensed with the intermediate course?

Offline Japbikemike

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2005, 09:42:27 AM »
I had ridden dirt bikes quite abit before I took the Oregon Motorcycle driving test.  I borrowed a '65 Suzuki 150 street bike.  Borrow the smallest bike you can find to take the test.  By the end of the test I think I'm now certifided to ride the Honda 50 "Monkey bikes" with the Shriners in parades.
Thank goodness Oregon dropped the over/under 500 cc rule.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 01:33:00 PM by Japbikemike »
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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2005, 10:37:32 AM »

Funny you should post this now.  I just went to support a friend while he took his test in Salem, Oregon on Friday (09/09/05).  I should mention that I just got my endorsement (after 12 years of riding) about a year and a half ago myself.  So, I knew what the test entailed and was able to coach my friend.

On test day, they informed all of the people waiting to test (14 in all) that if they didn't get their permits at that office, they had to fill out another form. Nice....

Then, they gave my friend crap as his insurance agent had handwritten a policy for him as a temp. measure.  So, he had to go search his paperwork and luckily he had received the actual policy card the day before in the mail.  The envelope was still unopened.

Now, as if that wasn't bad enough, they then gave him crap because he didn't have his medical card on him and he has a Class B CDL.  At this point I stepped in and convinced them that they shouldn't keep him from testing for his endorsement for something stupid like that.  So now that he is steaming mad AND nervous, we are ready to test.

By the time we get back out to his bike, the instructor has already started the equipment testing portion for everyone else, so he is forced to wait and be the last person tested.

Longer story short, all 14 riders passed the test even though there were at least two that I thought shouldn't have.  My friend did excellent, scoring a nice 100% and that minor nightmare was over.

Salt, if you live in Salem I can show you the course that they put you through and almost guarantee that you will pass if you have the control you need to handle the bike.


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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2005, 12:39:08 PM »
I drove out to McMinnville and tested in the Kmart parking lot.  There was one other person taking the test and I ran out of gas (premix) and coasted to the finish.  Rural sites rule on the riding test.
"Whats my favorite bike?  The one I'm on Pal, the one I'm on."---Tom Dobson


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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2005, 12:52:43 PM »
The Wisconsin written test was a joke. I actually had a clerk argue that hitting a car pulling out from the parking lane was worse than someone opening a door. I said "Hello.... door opens bike stops instantly. Car pulling out glances off. So long as no one is in the other lane you are good. So naturally I got that one wrong... Sad I had three of my friends killed in California by opening car doors.

Another question was some crap about when you should be looking for an exit. Thier answer was on a curve. I said what the heck are you going to do for an exit on a curve???? Skid on your bum off the road??? Really ?? I anwered intersection. Naturally wrong. But you see once again I had another friend in California on his CB750 killed and his girlfriend serverly injured when they were hit from behind by a drunk diver while they sat at the light. The driver hit them so hard it flung my buddy Scott across a 4 lane intersection and right into a signal pole with the top of his head like a damned dart! I dont care what they say I know I should be looking for and exit at all times. When you sit still you stand a greater chance of being involved in a fatal crash by simply not moving.

The idiots run the place!!!!

Offline Chris Liston

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2005, 01:03:35 PM »
I took the Rider Education course in New Jersey about 8 years ago.  It was the beginner course ( you get your license at this one).  Its basically designed from the ground up.  They actually start you off on a bicycle and go from there.  The intermediate and advance courses offered are just that for riders with at least 1+ years or 4000 miles of riding.  I took the advanced about 2 years later. 

Anyway, you probably should have signed up for the beginner class.  I know in NJ that the only class you can get your endorsement at. 

Sucks that you failed.  Sounded like crap conditions. 

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Offline historicjake

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2005, 01:50:39 PM »
Here in Maryland I took a motorcycle saftey course to please my wife, and it was a nightmare.  The class sign up had to be in person and when I got there at 7am for the 8am start there must have been 300-400 people in front of me.  I am not joking!  I barely got in the intermediate class for the following spring.  Little did I realize that the one day Sunday class was on Easter.  Who schedules anything for that big of a holiday?  So anyway I the rain...on Easter to a parking lot and ride around on a total beater 250 Nighthawk.  Much stalling, surging throttle problems, fouled plugs later I am first to finish the driving test...No problem.  Go over to take the written test and the instructor tells me he brought only the beginner test and well have to come back next week to his office and take it there, which happens to be unreachable because of hellish traffic all the time...  I stomp off in a soggy fume only to have to return 4 months later to take the test, and pass with 1 wrong, something about contact patch during a right hand turn when the moon is in the 7th house...

Still I recomend taking a course every couple years to bone up...

Offline jotor

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2005, 01:53:16 PM »
The idiots run the place!!!!

Remeber--you aren't being tested for riding skill, you're being tested to see if you know what they want to hear.
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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2005, 01:55:50 PM »
Man you guys are scaring me about getting my endorsement here.  I figured (incorrectly, obviously) as a guy that's been riding dirtbikes in crazy conditions for years I wouldn't have any trouble getting my endorsement. So, I have a couple of questions for folks that have done the Oregon test(s):

1) I don't even have my motorcycle permit yet.  I have a drivers license (have had one for 20 years, so I'm not some crazy kid either).  I picked up the drivers manuals (both car and motorcycle specific ones).  To get the permit, if you already have a drivers license, how much attention do I need to pay to the car manual?  There's a ton more stuff in that book -- I guess I'm asking if they have a shorter permit "knowledge" test that just covers motorcycle stuff, or if I'll have to cover all the same crap I did 20 years ago to get my regular drivers license *and* cover the motorcycle stuff too.  I'm trying to figure out how much studying to do (already read the motorcycle manual a few times, just trying to pretty much memorize it).

2) Sounds like the beginner's "TeamOregon" course is the way to go.  That's good because it's offered more often around here.  Has anybody taken the beginner course in Albany?  I believe it's held at the community college (LBCC), which has nice big lots...  How was it?  Pointers?  Anything to worry about?

Any other general tips for an Oregon street-bike newbie?   (I'm going to post another thread asking about advice for which SOHC to buy for my first street bike, so I'm more wondering here about the DMV and testing...)

I wonder what they think they're gaining by having this kind of intensive training?  Do people really learn how to handle bikes better through these courses?  Does Oregon have a significantly lower rate of motorcycle incidents now that they've been pretty much requiring this stuff for years?  It seems like some extra time spent teaching *car* people how to actually drive their vehicles (I'm thiking navigating a good cone-course autocross in under some set time) would go a bunch further toward making everybody safer, but I digress...

Anyway, I'm enjoying it around here, this site is a treasure trove of great info and good folks, looking forward to officially joining the community as soon as I can find a good bike to buy...


Offline 78_SaltLick

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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2005, 04:16:18 PM »
i did learn some things, and had fun riding around all day i like riding bikes, i just dont understand it. I ride good all day long, the instructor is giving me the thumbs up as i go by him and clapping when i finsihed the courses, yet at the end they fail me for putting on the brakes a foot before the line? I did it all day fine, then choked a little during the acutal test, youd think they would give me a break since they saw me do it right all day, and not completely fail me.
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Re: Oregon Sucks bigtime when it comes to getting a motorcycle license.
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2005, 04:30:08 PM »
Sounds like Saltlick had some horrendous luck!  But I gotta say, I took the beginner "TeamOregon" course to get the discount on my insurance and didn't have any problems. In fact, I recommend it to most newbie or returning riders. It was a one day classroom stint then 2 riding days on little 125s. Piece o' cake. The test was pretty straightforward if you listened to the instructors and made sure of what they were asking you to do. The key was not to go first, but watch the riders in front of you make mistakes and then, don't do what they did ;). They did flunk a couple of people (but in this case it was obvious that they just didn't belong on a bike). One person was so scared/nervous they tipped the bike over while standing still.

From my experience, I would say, "take the course." I think the info and the experience gained is worthwhile - and it certainly couldn't hurt skills wise- even if you've ridden before. At the very least it gets your mind into the correct frameset (yes you're basically invisible to drivers).  Keep in mind, I took the course about 10 years ago.  However, friends of mine have taken it recently and they seemed to have enjoyed it. From Saltlick's experience...I dunno. I guess with these like these, bad experiences can happen. Sucks that $80 bucks and some serious time was wasted.