Ever since I got this bike (77 750K7) ,it's had an intermittent noise coming from the tranny area, but only when rmoving. Checked all the usual culprits, clutch, chain etc., couldn't see anything. Because it was intermittent, I wasn't real concerned.
Yesterday, I adjusted the shocks to the max setting, and went on some errands. The noise was back , in spades!. So this morning I put it up on a motorcycle stand and found the culprit. I normally use the center stand when at home,which is why I didn't find it before. Up on the motorcycle stand, with the center stand retracted, the bottom of the stand was rubbing the chain! From the looks of things, it's been that way for a long time, with a nice groove worn in it from the chain plates. I'm making a short stop bracket that will mount to small plate that's welded on the bottom of my exhaust (4 into 2).
Something else to look for when hunting for mysterious noise sources. Hope it helps someone.