Jesus you cheap bastards, buy a flask

Although I'm sure another of you cheap SOB's will post and describe how you made one out of an inner tube and the spare oil line from a cl350 for like .23 cents.

Wise up you all.
1.) Buy a Coke.
2.) Sip coke thoughtfully for about 6 seconds.
3.) Be inconspicuous as you pour from Flask to can.
I don't know about Auzzieland or other places, but here in the good ol' USA theres some sort of convienence store or small grocery about every 1 or 2 miles.
If ya buy a Coke (.75 you cheapo's) it will be cold and you don't have to carry it around.
And on the Plus side? No officer, I was just drinkin my soft drink, minding my own business.