First I would like to thank those who have posted before. I have and am learning a lot about my new project. For many years I have wanted to take a 750 Four and build it into a bike that is unique to me, with the pipes I wanted, the seat I prefer and all the little touches that makes a bike personal to the owner. I finally got the opportunity and found a 75 cb750 F in good mechanical shape, but in need of some cosmetic touches and cleanup. I picked her up for what I think was a good price, $650.00 and am almost at the same amount for supplies and parts to get her the way I want her. I still have a ways to go. So far I have painted the tank twice, since it didn't suit me the first time, pulled and cleaned the pipes and am waiting on a variety of internet ordered parts. Presently looking for a local company to re-cover the seat Seems like everytime I look on here I come up with another idea of things to do to this machine. So far it has been a great learning experience for both me and my son who has already laid claim to her when he is ready to start riding, although his ideas are sometimes different than mine. I look forward to getting this bike together, but somehow I get the idea that this will always be a "work in progress" in one way or another. Again, thanks for all the good info here, it is appreciated.