Took my first overnight trip on my 73 750K3 over the weekend, and it went great until I was 50 miles from home. This morning the bike took quite a while to start, and I ran the battery down a bit. Rode about 70 miles with the light on, and the bike suddenly refused to didn't stall, but the throttle just wouldn't do anything. Turned bike off, started, and rode another 12 miles before it died again, got it running, turned on the light, and it killed the bike immediately. Wound up having to go to autozone and get a new one. Threw it in, rode 50 miles home, and no problem yet. I suppose all I have to do is hook up a volt meter to see if its charging, but I'm just wondering if a battery will just give up like that if the chrging system is working, keep in mind that its a year and a half old, and has been run completely out probably seven or eight times. Lastly, I know that you're supposed to hook a new battery to a trickle charge when you first get it, but that wasn't an option for me, I rode it for 50 miles w/o the light on, should I still charge it? Thanks.