Well, after almost eleven years of working with one of the young men that we (Brenda and I) started out with, I may be changing to another young man shortly. Been kinda jerked around for a while now and it's getting worse, possibly coming to a head.
When you do a job like working with "Special Needs" folks, you don't like to mention the money (which isn't a killing, but CAN be comfortable), but when you start losing hours and have to use up your leave time to try and compensate, it gets to be a real pain because you've got only so much leave time. Things were going pretty good til the parents started try to "help out" by getting their son more and more things to do, that started taking hours away from me. For years, WE took care of the details and things went just fine. If the parents wanted to go out to eat and take in a movie, we just kept him a little longer so that they could. Now, it has gotten to where, they decide to do something or another and tell me at the last minute, which sucks. And the decision wouldn't have been made beforehand because the young man would have said something about it, but he is conniving and lies. So, you don't know whether to believe him or not and shouldn't have to go tracking things down. After all, the parents are supposed to be "Grownups"!
Sorry for the rant, I just got carried away, Bill