Author Topic: Occupation in the Real World?  (Read 31061 times)

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Offline Brookesy

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2005, 02:37:51 PM »
Just Kidding...

Designer for an Engineering company
Pays the bills and i still get some enjoyment out of it.

4 teenage sons & beautiful wife
can be a handful at times

Bikes, RC planes.
Just Bikes at present - the planes are on hold to feed the bike addiction
Hittin' the Gym

Spare TIme
CB750 K1 - undergoing restoration (on hold)
CB750 K2 - Wanted - More time to work on her
CB1300S - the most awesome bike i've owned yet
Z1000 1977 - Wanted - a head in rebuildable condition


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #51 on: September 13, 2005, 03:09:41 PM »
hey #13, is it as cool as it looks in the movies? (High Fidelity?)

I used to be a real live engineer, now I'm back in engineering school (again). 
I want to teach when I grow up.


Offline jotor

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #52 on: September 13, 2005, 03:30:27 PM »
Spare TIme

What, you mean there's sleep?........................
I'd rather ride a Yamaha than eat worms.



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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #53 on: September 13, 2005, 05:00:18 PM »
 Occupation,Volkswagon technition.Life,husband and father of two great girls.With the 30 seconds or so left in the week Im working on the cb.

Offline heffay

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #54 on: September 13, 2005, 05:05:56 PM »
learning... environmental design major @ CU Boulder
self employed... i enjoy building at the moment
leisure... you guys know that one... and snowboarding!
i call my biz... NeedaFix?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 08:30:21 PM by heffay »
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
Past Rides: '72 tc125, '94 cbr600f2, '76 rd400, '89 ex500, '93 KTM-125exc, '92 zx7r, '93 Banshee, '83 ATC250R, 77/75 cb400f

Offline number13

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2005, 05:13:27 PM »

If by cool you mean standing around all day cracking
wise with your co-workers, ducking out for long mexican lunches,
aggravating the customers and chatting up the cute punk chicks, then yes, yes it is that cool.
And, yeah, HF was ,sadly, pretty accurate slice of my life.
Oh, and tons of cool records too. I have amassed a sizeable
collection of bikersploitation soundtrtacks. Mabe someday I will
get around to scanning them all and posting the image library.
Score of the week: original copy of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl".
boo yah.
Bikes parked out front mean good chicken-fried steak inside.

Offline R. Hykawy

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #56 on: September 13, 2005, 05:40:30 PM »
Automotive technician by trade, currently motor vehicle inspector for the province of manitoba. Formerly vehicle technician Canadian forces 17 years. Freetime spent working on my cb's and of course this site and e-bay.
Richard Hykawy

Offline Quail "Owner of the comfortable k8"

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #57 on: September 13, 2005, 05:58:38 PM »
You'll never guess what I do

Are You MR Brown? ;D

Automotive technician by trade also.  Worked for Subaru of America for 15 years.  Fixed Lemon Law cars for the Tri-State area.  Loved that job.  When they divided into regions I moved into a Subaru Dealership as a service director.  Moved back to Pa and now I am just The service manager at a small Ford dealer 10 min from my house.  Have worked on everything but the space shuttle.  I hate my job because I hate the auto industry.  Hobbys  2 kids 30+ year with wife.  Hobie 16.  In the last year a CB750k8 and ebay have taken a chunk of my life.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 06:14:28 PM by QUAIL »
These wonderful little birds are great flyers, delicious eating, excellent for training your hunting dog, and just fun to shoot,or stuff and keep around the house.  Bobwhites can be put with other types of Quail and have very large penis's.  Quail are very popular with the babes.

Offline mick750F

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #58 on: September 13, 2005, 07:30:32 PM »
   Well, after dropping out of art school many years ago, kicking around at various jobs and doing a bit of traveling I finally settled into carpentry thinking it would be a good experience before heading into architecture. Because I enjoy working with my hands and have a strong design sense I found myself somewhat satisfied and never pursued architecture aside from a drafting course, a solar engineering course and an industrial design course.

   After 27 years at it I find myself a bit jaded at times. Most of my work these days is shop work, although I still get involved with the occasional historic restoration, which is what I pretty much focused on when I was at it full time, and carpentry for a small circle of regular customers. The shop work consists of small woodworking projects for others, furniture and clocks of my own design and true current passion. All of the shop work takes place in a one car garage which is where I also wrench the ride. It's cozy in there...too cozy...but it's my sanctuary.     

Glosta, MA
It's not the's the humanity.

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #59 on: September 13, 2005, 08:42:00 PM »
I am an auto mechanic(TECH?) by trade.In the last 25 or so years,auto mechanics have been forced into anew "TECHNICIANS". That means that instead of changing ignition points and manual fuel pumps....We now are computer crystal ball interpreters,fuel injection wizards.....YADA,YADA...............Currently,I am doing transmission R&R on anything that comes through the shop.I have been amassing large quantities of Snap-On tools (Which never hurt anybody...Except for a poor auto mechanic trying to make a sweet 1975 Honda go like the wind!!!)Would like to specialize in 1 or 2 auto areas (Say engine rebuild or brake specialist) and spend more time making my living working on bikes(my hobby).To all of you out there that are doing that and have a stable in your garages,I say right on you lucky dudes.
MEMBER # 257
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Offline Paul

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #60 on: September 14, 2005, 01:31:59 AM »
I'm what we call a "Equipment design engineer" I go down to the floor with the 1400 people, look at what they are doing, take their station, put in a bunch of wires, sensors, pneumatics, lots of lights....flashy ones (They love them).
and you're out of a job. No..'s a button - press that. ;D
Then I go home, cut the grass, build a wall, watch my kids...get slight heart attacks as they balance on some edge, feed the dog, stare at the bikes (there finished) say hi to my wife. Oh... look it's tomorrow again.
It hurts to admit when you've made mistakes, But when the're big enough, the pain only lasts a second

Offline liquidplumber

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #61 on: September 14, 2005, 01:44:06 AM »
you guys are good guessers ;D
Liverpool, PA, USA

Offline mcpuffett

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #62 on: September 14, 2005, 01:57:44 AM »
liquidplumber are you a bladder surgeon? ::)  mick.
Honda CB750 KO 1970,   Honda VTX 1300 2006, Lancaster England.


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #63 on: September 14, 2005, 06:27:31 AM »
Hey Raul, I'm Evangelos Ntzios from Greece, but I've got a CB400F. I think the member your talking about is John. Even though we live close to each other I've never met him.
Ride safe, Vagelis.


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #64 on: September 14, 2005, 10:07:25 AM »
I'm an architect, but I really wish that I could restore old automobiles/motorcycles for a living.  Besides my 750 I have a 1984 VW GTI that I'm completely stripping and rebuilding.  It's fun.

Offline liquidplumber

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #65 on: September 14, 2005, 05:26:35 PM »
Yes! A bladder surgeon! ;D

C'mon Terry, a urologist?  That's just silly
Liverpool, PA, USA


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #66 on: September 14, 2005, 06:08:59 PM »
real world sucks ,sales and service in the HVAC industry  ::) but it pays for my addiction  1969 norton[4 sale],
1979 tri bonneville ,1986 honda intercepter 500, 1961 jawa moped,must not forget my newley
 aqquired 1969 CB750 plus my great wife and kids  ;D she visits this forum too LOL keep the rubber side

Offline BobbyR

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #67 on: September 14, 2005, 06:45:42 PM »
I spent 30 years working for Big Blue and retired from there. I now work for Kawasaki as a Techincal Trainer. Before you stop answering my dumb questions on my Honda. The Kawasakis I am talking about are 85 ft long, 15 ft high, weigh 130,000 lbs and have a top operating speed of 150 mph. Oh yeah, they do have antilock brakes, but unlike my trusty 750K, if you see it- you hit it.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2005, 04:19:45 PM »
I'm a classical music DJ on KXPR. It's half a job, anyway. This past season I was an engineer for the broadcasts of Sacramento Rivercats games, too. I also try to pick up any acting work I can (no, you haven't seen me in anything)(Well, I did do one episode of "What's Happening", but they never used the bit I did for "In Living Color"). I've done a lot of things for a living.

I'm on my third CB.

Work on my house. Work on my motorcycle. Work on my computer (I've built 4 or 5).


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #69 on: September 17, 2005, 02:17:53 PM »
Former Paramedic/Police Officer.  Now a Private Investigator and Security Specialist for a large Utility (Gas & Electric) Corporation.


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #70 on: September 17, 2005, 08:35:00 PM »
truck driver
I drove a big rig for 6 years , now I drive a p/u truck 1000 miles a week(home everynight and off on weekends).  before trucks, I was a motorcyle wrench for 8 years.

2 kids,4 grandchildren

married 4 times, live out in the middle of nowhere and love it

clean and sober 14 years

Offline dpen

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2005, 08:39:25 PM »
What? No mechanics around? I can't believe it....  ;D

That supports my theory. You either have a job or a hobby, no activity can be considered both though sometimes you can enjoy your job or get bored with your hobby.

Otherwise, how many of you use internet to register and chat in forums related to your profession? And if you do, I bet you do it as a way to contact prospective customers or business opportunities.

Qualified motor mechanic, diesel fitter with qualifications in hydraulics & pneumatics.
I gave the game away 'cause I got fed up with getting dirty & frustrated working on other peoples' vehicles (and I make more money now to feed my vices).

Offline DRam

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #72 on: September 17, 2005, 09:16:51 PM »
Thirty-five years teaching, now retired and working for the new boss - my wife.  Can't gripe, she goes to work each day and I practice being a househusband.  There are days that those duties include quite a bit of working on the bikes (CB650, CBR1000F) and some riding.  The turntable and records also require attention, but generally that is put on the time card as 'cleaning'.  Can't have less than pristine vinal, right?  Other days woodwork takes some time.  Ah, the trials of retirement.

Offline Quail "Owner of the comfortable k8"

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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2005, 09:37:05 PM »
I broke out a Gary Pucket vinyl platter today and cleaned it.  I'll have to have my wife write that in on my timecard for "cleaning and air purification ". ::)
These wonderful little birds are great flyers, delicious eating, excellent for training your hunting dog, and just fun to shoot,or stuff and keep around the house.  Bobwhites can be put with other types of Quail and have very large penis's.  Quail are very popular with the babes.


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Re: Occupation in the Real World?
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2005, 09:52:07 PM »
Just graduated, currently trying to be a freelance illustrator. I'm also a motorcycle mechanic apprentice. Other odd jobs as well...