Yes 61mm pistons WILL work in a stock liner for a cb650.
I got a set of '77 high domed cb750 61mm pistons in my '79 cb650 now.
God I love 'em!
Actually 62mm is the limit.
But I have been stumped as to where to get 62mm pistons....
Hey.. 1mm over cb650 pistons... Duh.(brain fart)
I wonder if DSS has any left.......
I have thought of the KZ650 pistons(62mm), but have not bought a set due to lack of availability of rings.
No point in trying them if I can't seal the cylinder properly in the end!
But anyways... on those '77 cb750 pistons I used....
I guess I bumped the CR mabey .25 to .5 higher with them.
not sure offhand.
I know the cylinder pressure has leveled off at around 180-190 psi with the pressure tester I have been using.
The '69-'76 pistons would actually DROP the CR quite a bit I would think.
Mabey good for a turbo application? Dunno... got a set of (?'72, '73?) pistons I am thinking of checking clearances for and doing that in the future though.....
Gotta find a good turbo first though.. and finish my 66mm cb650 first as well....
(My "wish list" for my cb650 motors is quite long.)
The cb750 pistons I used needed a bit of modding though.
I had to re-position and deepen the valve pockets, and cut a bit off the outter edge to re-establish the deck height to what the stock cb650 pistons were.
Beyond that, not a lot.
I think I re-contoured the dome (without removing any height) to look blend into the land I had cut for the deck height.
Sorry, no measurements offhand.
Still can't find those sketches.
However I recently got a job again, WHOHOO!!!@!
(after nearly 4 months off work!!)
I will be modding a few sets of cb750 pistons in the near future.(for me and others)
Sooooo....the "print" (poorly done sketch with measurements) will be scanned so I can post it on here for all to see of the mods I make.
Might not give everything, but I will add notes that SHOULD give enough info to a competent machinist to copy the work I have done.
I might even make the measurements readable to other humans!

You would have to see my box of "prints" for all my custom doo-hickeys I have made over the past 10 years to really understand.....
I have to decipher them at times.
Head up, rubber down, balls out!