That watch is a BRM... it's worth about $20,000... seriously. It has a titanium case to go with the ti-framed bike.
I don't think the price is that out of line for a handmade bike that is limited edition 1 out of only 10.
And to the "wannabe Ducati" comment... show me an all handbuilt, all ti-frame, 2100cc supercharged Ducati, with all the carbon fibre, tank, fenders etc... I guarantee that it is one hell of a ride.
I work for an advertising agency and we spend about half our time marketing corporate business jets that run $8,000,000 to $22,000,000... each. The guys (and believe me, more individuals own these things then you would think) that buy those kinds of jets will by a bike like that in a heartbeat. They pay for exclusivity and having on of the TEN bikes in existence is a great bragging rights around the "club."
While I agree that it is more then a bit obscene for most of us to even contemplate a purchase like that, I think that it is being targeted at VERY specific demographic, and to that demo, its a nice "mantelpiece" to show off to their buddies.
All ten of those bikes will be sold before they are built, I guarantee it... and yes, I wouldn't be surprised if Leno gets one. For him to buy one would be like one of us "normal" people buying a cheeseburger.
I have always loved the design of Ecosse bikes... if I had the flow, I'd buy it.
- Woody
Yeah Dennis, I was thinking everybody's making a big deal about the bike costing $275,000 but the watch has to be worth something.