So this week I got all my boxes of new parts for my 73 350f. I installed them in my project bike. I put in a new air filter, new points and condensors. Carb rebuild kits (with all new jets) and I dipped the carb bodies. I set the carbs to factory specs, 21mm float height and 7/8 out on the air screws. The needles are on the third clip. New plugs and also new gas. I set the the dwell/gap, timing (as best I could without a good consistant idle), and the valves.
The bike is all stock except for the exhaust, it has 4 into 2, the mufflers are from a cb500-4 aftermarket and the baffels that were in the headers were cut out. Riding the bike there is a little flat spot at around 3-4k, so im thinking I need to raise the needles a notch? It seems to have a small fuel shortage issue with the petcock being slow (new one on the way). After about 5 mins of riding the bowls are a little low,the power weakens until I let it sit for a minute then the bowls fill back up, but that shouldn't affect idling? Do I increase float height or decrease float height for more fuel...?!?. The bike just won't idle down to 1100rpm-1200rpm. It will idle at 1800-2000rpm. It just dies out when the rpms get low. Also the bike seems to want choke whenever starting, if it is shut off for more than a minute it needs choke to start back. Any ideas?,...suggestions...?