Yes, Clymer says no adjustment on the floats. Maybe the way I adjust my IMS's will shed some light on the matter: If I follow the manual's direction, the IMS's are more or less unresponsive once turned out just past the seated position. I always get too lean of a mix and the bike coughs at idle and searches and surges around 2000-3000 rpms. So, by trial and error, I've found the best way to adjust the IMS's is to warm the bike up, set the throttle lock at 4,000 rpm's and turn each IMS out until each cylinder sounds good. The coughing and surging at 2000-3000 rpms goes away but I don't achieve this until 6 turns out from seated on each. Then the bike runs good but I risk losing an IMS because they are in there so loose.
I have stock plugs and timing/valve clearances are right on. No air leaks from carb into head but now you have me suspicious about the air box. I sprayed starting fluid around those fittings the other night with no results. But would this even cause the engine to speed up if sucked in from the intake side of the carbs? Any other suggestions on how to check the air box for leaks?
Regarding the accelerator pump, does that even contribute at idle? I thought it only kicked in at acceleration. I'm wondering if we can rule this out since I'm getting no response out of my IMS's when I turn them at idle. All indications are a dirty carb but, again, all are exact on number of turns out from seated. So, like mystic_1 says, it should be something that all carbs have in common.