Even if your slow jets are pressed in (I have heard that some of the 82s had screw in pilots) then they must be removed for proper cleaning. Forget about what Clymer or Honda says on this one as there is no other way to get them clean after 30 years of use. Feel free to search under "pressed in jets"; the subject of their removal and cleaning comes up all the time, particularly in reference to the 77/78 750 carbs. You basically grab them with plyers (padded with leather if you like) and twist and pull. You can then soak them in carb cleaner, followed by running a single strand of copper wire through them. Clean the sideways passages as well. Use spray carb cleaner to make sure that all the interconnected passages in the idle circuit are clear. Gently tap back in the slow jet when they are clean. . . If you never pulled your slow jets previously, then it is very likely that they are the source of your problem.