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Help needed...
« on: September 16, 2008, 07:55:33 PM »
I started out to just clean & paint my motor, install a set of rechromed pipes, and do a tune up.

That was three weeks ago, I am still sanding parts, ordering stainless steel bolts and SHCSs, spent half an hour today talking to a powder coater for an assortment of parts I have scattered around the garage...

I  have a set of case covers I have tried three different paint, clear coats, sand & polish, processes on.

I have a new parts cleaner and samples of 150 dollar a quart buffing compound to try.

Even made a side trip to a local bike part joint to see if they had clutch springs because as long as I have it this far apart might as well fix the chatter problem I had in the mountains this summer. The f'n internet said they where a stocking Barnett shop, well three clutch kits is not much stock, but I digress.

I want to ride again, so the thought of a second motorcycle is "cycling" into my daydreams as I sand and paint, sand and polish, stack parts, sort into piles; I'm thinking a brand new something, so on my travels I visit every cycle store within a "few" minute drive of my destination.

But a new bike will eat up time I need to make this a great classic Honda, even though it was sweet before I started, it was just was in need of some pipes that did not have 5 inch long rust holes on the bottom; a few hours of work, including re-balancing the carbs.

a few more weeks, a few more weeks.

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Re: Help needed...
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 09:19:53 PM »
It will be hard to check with everything apart, but clutches will sometimes chatter when the carbs are out of sync.  The way to tell is when the engine is at idle, and the clutch is a'chatterin', pull the clutch handle in.  If the chatter stops, the carbs are out of sync.

Then, are you referring to case guards, or crank case covers?
Go metric, every inch of the way!

CB350F0  "Scrouching Tiger"
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Re: Help needed...
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2008, 03:55:34 AM »
Chain guards and engine side cases.

I do have the  sand,sand finner, sand finniest, buff, buff buff act on the valve cover and front forks down to a fine art.  No inspection decals anymore in NC, Great!

 Rattle can paints suck, my next digression will be for a compressor, regulator & air filter/dryer, gravity feed gun... I'm thinking I will tell my wife I need the painting equipment to finish the 97 Miata M edition I have occupying her spot in the garage! We'll save tens of dollars over hiring a pro to do the work in his beautifully equipped shop...

How many coats of clear does it take to blend the tank strips under a smooth finish?

sand and paint, sand and paint, sand and paint, buff polish...repeat till beer runs out.

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Re: Help needed...
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2008, 05:57:03 AM »
i have a 74 750 that i have to rebuild
please stop, your scareing me
1974 750k

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Re: Help needed...
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2008, 06:50:19 AM »
ok, thanks for the laugh today! I laugh because I care.


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Re: Help needed...
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 06:10:43 PM »

Boxed a bunch bits, that I painted and just do not like the result the oil tank, battery box, ignition switch mount, instrument mount... this evening, off to the powder coater.

As Clint told us, "A mans gotta know his limitations".

I am back to the cases,  looks like the secret is an etching primer, just dusted on, one coat of ceramic duplicolor, one coat of clear...

No off to read Road & Track; unless I remove the engine so the frame can be powder coated....