Okay, here is the background on this bike:
I bought it about 3 weeks ago from a co-worker who bought it new in Japan in 1973. He then proceeded to put 15k miles on it before deciding to sell it to me and stick to riding his Magna.
So, straight away I took his 4-2 crossover header pipes off and put the original (like new) 4-4 pipes back on, changed plugs and completely cleaned the fuel tank out using heavy duty degreaser, water and a final rinse and dump with gas. Put new fuel back in and it ran pretty well. I then pulled the plugs and they were fouled as I expected (he never had bike re-tuned for short 4-2 pipes) and it ran even better.
All was well for a few days until yesterday it started bogging a little when it was warmed up on my second ride. Acted like it was missing, running rough, etc. I managed to limp the two miles home where I again pulled the plugs. Kinda oil fouled again, but not much. However, the #3 plug cap popped off, so I clipped and re-threaded it back on. I did the same for all of the plug caps.
Now my problem is that it won't start at all. I am getting spark on all 4 plugs, but it acts as if it doesn't even want to THINK about starting. Just cranks over and over with either the electric or kick start. Any ideas on WTH is going on? I pulled the cutout switch apart, cleaned all the connections and tried again with no luck. The switch isn't bad as the plugs get spark in "on" but not in "off".
Could the bad wires have caused the timing to get screwed up or have ruined a part that would keep it from running?
Thanks for your help!!