Still having problems, but I have a better idea (I think) of what is causing the blown fuses. I find that if I unhook my regulator/rectifier, I don't blow a fuse (even a 15 amp fuse). Of course, I also don't charge the battery, either. Running the bike by charging on a battery tender at night, but that is obviously a short-range solution.
I replaced the Regulator/Rectifier and that did not fix the problem. This weekend I am going to try and clean the reg/rec plugs and see if that helps. Otherwise, I'm stumped.
The Rotor seems to have the correct resistance (about 4.5 ohm between the two slip rings; infinity between either slip ring and the center ring). No obvious corrosion on the stator wires.
One thing -- I was unable to get the plug to the fusible link holder (connected to the solenoid) undone. But if that was the problem, why would the bike run fine with the Reg/Rec unplugged???
Any ideas from the group mind?

I am experiencing electrical problems with my 1982 CB650SC Nighthawk (just hit 16,000 miles) which I'm attempting to troubleshoot. If I ride more than about 5 miles, my fusible link blows. If I put a new one in immediately, it almost immediately blows again.
I disconnected all the 15 amp fuses except the number 2 (from the left) one. It still blew the main fuse.
My beginning question is this -- is the 1982 CB650 wiring diagram applicable to the 1982 CB650SC?
BTW, the batter appears to be good and the bike appears to charge okay. I just have this short somewhere.
Thanks and bear with me. I'm new to troubleshooting like this.