Hi ya'll
Just a quick note to say that issue 2 is on newsstands now (list below) and at a variety of dealers across the country. Issue two features the '73 Z1 and Elsinore 250, along with features on Malcolm Smith, the Primm MX Collection, a huge Roger DeCoster poster, and a whole host of '70s-era bikes and culture.
Issue three will be out in December. And we'll be offering subscriptions for '09 on our soon-to-be-up website,
www.motorcyclistretro.com. We'll be bi-monthly (6x/yr) in '09, and if all goes well, monthly in 2010.
Issue three will feature Yamaha's RD350, Honda's XR75 and Dream 305, Penton's 40th Anniversary, Jim Pomeroy's most famous cross-up, and a host of vintage stuff.
Thanks for all the support so far...you guys have been key players in our early success, and I'd like to say thanks.
Get hold of me at mcretro@cox.net if you can.
Mitch Boehm
Motorcyclist Retro