Darkrider, I am sure we are all adults and in time....we'll get over it!!! You make a good argument for helmets, personally I don't ride without my gear, but I do only wear a half helmet, simply because I find a fullface distracting as I do not feel as aware of everything going on around me. That is a risk I choose to take. The other risk I choose to take is riding a motorcycle in the first place.
In my opinion, the final word is that we have to live with the choices we make and in reality, a horrific crash with bad results would do a lot more damage to my wife and children than it would ever do to the medical system.
That's it.....my rant is over!!!
Now I'm going to ride my 750 K3 home. 3 km's away and I will be wearing my CSA approved helmet, gloves, boots and Joe Rocket ballistic jacket.
Ride Safe, Ride On