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Offline Caaveman82

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Iron Man..
« on: October 07, 2008, 02:37:58 PM »
Okay over all it was an okay movie. Just like the Hulk. X-men, etc. etc. etc.

     Which leads me to my point. They are okay. That's it. I read comics from ages 6 - 11 and even though that point is past me I still feel some kind of regret or I guess anomosity twords these movies for being so mundane. My main issues? Casting, story line, and soundtracks.

    First casting. Ed Norton as the Hulk? Really? I don't look at him and think oh there is a nerdy scientist that get's pissed at turns into a giant green Hulk. No I see him and go "Oh it's the crazy guy from fight club!" or "Oh it's the skin head from that "X" movie!!". Toby as spider man. I never in my life thought that Spider man would have a cracking voice like Mr. McGuire... what a tool.

     Second; story line. Stop changing the damn story! I don't care if you think you have creative license to do with it what you want. We read this comic books in the first place because we liked that story, I do not like your story and your "changes for the better of the film".

      Last, soundtracks. Stop, I repeat stop hiring Nickleback to create epic songs for some mundane, boring, medicore, snoozer of a super hero flick. There should be no bands, just hire John Williams or Danny Elfman to make some music. You don't need a soundtrack that will ruin your movie....

     Okay I am done with my Lewis Black ranting, minus all the "F" words.
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Offline Steve F

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Re: Iron Man..
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 04:26:28 AM »

Offline mystic_1

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Re: Iron Man..
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 04:46:53 AM »
After the travesty that was Starship Troopers, I found the changes in the Iron Man story to be pretty acceptable.  I thought the effects were fairly well done as well.  Some of the casting didn't thrill me but they could have made a worse choice then Downey as Stark.  I liked Iron Man way more than the Hulk or Spider Man movies.

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Offline alltherightpills

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Re: Iron Man..
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 05:08:40 AM »
So, here are the rumors for the new Batman:

Same team as the last two with Johnny Depp as The Riddler and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin.

Hope there is truth to that.
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Offline Geeto67

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Re: Iron Man..
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 08:12:18 AM »
best quote I have heard on the internet:

"I bet when Stan Lee invented Iron Man he said "Hey, Jack! What if Bruce Wayne weren't such a whiney #$%*"

Seriously, though it is all entertainment, really I liked all the recent super hero movies, but I am easy to please - afterall my benchmark is Superman III, as long as it isn't as bad as that floater its all good  (and yes that means I liked starship troopers).
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Offline Caaveman82

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Re: Iron Man..
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 12:44:35 PM »
     I guess I let me nerdy youth catch up with me.
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