Well, I think I’m at a fork in the road…or maybe a mid-life crisis. I’m 36 years old and have been working in IT/Software Dev the last 10 years. My wife just finished up her Phd this past spring and accepted a professorship at UNC-Asheville this fall. Shes there now, and I’ve been looking for a job there for the past 6 months with no luck. To complicate matters I’ve been pretty unfulfilled in my current career the last few years. I don’t hate it…but most days I’m counting the seconds until I can get out of the office and do what I want (most of the time that’s getting in the shop). But IT pays well, and the environment is great…its just…well, boring. That begs the question what purpose does a job serve? Is it something that gives you the means to do what you want. Or is it something that should be fulfilling and you should want to get up in the morning and do.
Back to my predicament. My undergrad is in PE/Biology (w/teaching certificate)…never did that, turned my hobby (computers) into my job my senior year in college, and never looked back. Got a masters in Information Science (watered down CS degree) which beefed up my resume, and its served me well. My salary has been 50-65K since then, depending on the job and bonuses/stock options. So I’ve been looking for work in Asheville the last 6 months and haven’t found anything, so I started asking myself, well, if you were to go back to school, what would it be for. It would have to be a program, degree that I’d be interested in enough to sustain my interstet for the time it would take to get through the program. Mba? No, as I said, I’m bored with the business environment. Law school?…the idea of wearing a suit to work everyday doesn’t excite me in the least. Engineer? When I look at the curriculum and classes, I’m thinking OK, I could see learning this stuff. Its something I’ve only found an interest in the last 4 years. Before age 30 I had never done anything more mechanical than change the oil in my car. Then I got the idea I wanted to build a chopper. Started looking into what it would take to do that (welding..some machine work) and figured heck, I can take night classes at the local tech school for what it will cost me to pay someone to do it. So that’s what I did. I took one semester of welding (stick/mig/tig) and have been taking machining classes (adv lathe and mill) the last 3 years. I love this stuff, so whats the next logical step. UNC-Asheville has an ME degree. No kids and the wife says she will support me if that’s what I want. Money is not really an issue…we can make it off the wifes salary…though we would not be putting away anything for retirement.
I have a lot of doubts. The most immediate being my abilty to get through the classes. Math is not one of my strong points. OK, the truth is I stink at it. This flies in the face of being an engineer, so how do I reconcile the two? We’r talking 3 levels of calculus. I think given enough time I can learn anything. What would take the average math student an hour to learn, it would take me 3, but if that’s the case, then I'm willing to do it. Easier said than done. The other concern is how satisfied I’ll be once the journey is over and I’m doing the job. I could see myself right back where I am now 10 years from now. I’ve been an engineer for 5 years and I’m bored with it. But I’m thinking I’ll cross that path when I get to it. Sometimes it’s the journey not the destination
OK, that’s it, just need to vent. Any and all comments welcome. If you’re an engineer out there working, let me know how you like your job. If you would recommend it...or any other advice.