When you all ride a 78 F/K as your main bike with a 630 and a 530, then you can talk to me about it. Until you do, you do not know. Until then, you do not know. Going to a 530 has made NO difference on my bike, it has made no difference on other peoples K/F bikes either. But of course those of you who have NOT ridden a 78 know more than those of us who do right? Which probably means you can ride better than rossi right? PLease.
As for you paul, Kibbles do not probably change speed or torque, they certainly last longer though and in a way, isnt that performance? They probably weigh less but does that affect your speed or does it just allow the vavle train to operate better? As for lighter wheels, you clearly read nothing so I will re post it for your benefit. Rotational mass is greater on a larger circumference. One ounce lighter on the rims will have a greater effect than 1 ounce on a chain. THAT is science. You could even test it yourself, unless you are so ready to believe manufacturer claims and just prefer to let them tell you what is right. Oh well, it still stands that on the K/F, a 530 gives no benefit over the 630. It may on other bikes, I do not know as I have not ridden other bikes with a 630 chain just like I bet you have not been on a k/f long enough to really know if there is a difference, have you.
As for only noticing it over 7000 rpm. That is just a stupid thought. Plain and simple. Mass can have an effect at ANY speed. Also, just for your info, when I ride, I regularly hit 7000. Problem is that even on our interstates( an interstate is a large road, just so you know 754) which has a speed limit of 75, I can easily break that speed in third gear. I can break it if I really want to push it, in second. I just choose not to do it all the time as this is my only bike and during the summer, I would rather ride than wrench. THAT is what winter is for. But then maybe that is why you are so cranky frank, you cant ride you bike right now.
So, lets recap. I know what mass is. I know what rotational mass is and what it does. I also know that a 530 chain on a stock F/K does not give any performance boost over the 630. I can pretty much say the same about the 77f/k as they are almost identical. Others have also stated the same thing as me. I do not know about other bikes as I have not ridden them. Two here just cant believe it even though they do not even ride much less own a 77/78 k/f 750, even though others have backed my findings. Sounds like they just want to argue and troll. Oh well, I KNOW the results on these bikes stated, they do not.