His opinion differs in what way. Maybe you should specify. Are you talking the overall performance or the difference in a chain swap? Also, maybe HE could say it himself, it is easy to suddenly have a friend that has one. Also YES, I DID say I only know the K8 but as the K7 is identical in its drive train, I can make a pretty good assumption. As this is the FIRST time you have mentioned having a 77, well I would have expected you to play that card earlier in previous posts, so as it is........ I would have expected it to be said in our previous "debates" not suddenly now ESPECIALLY when previous debates were on the perf of the 77/78. Sorry, just having a hard time believing it since you are suddenly using it now. I am sure you can understand my hesitation.

Also IF you did have a 77K, you ran a 530. How long did you use the 630 if at all? If you did not use the 630, how would you know. Also given your rancor against the 78, I just cant see how you would own a 77 when they are almost virtually the same bike. Some contradictory statements there frank.
As for riding beside his bike, so what. That does not mean you know it. i could drive along side a Ferrari, does not mean I know it.
Also, again you try to throw in big bore. Why do you always try that? We are not talking about a big bore so it does not matter. I am sure a big bore will be different than my stocker. It would be stupid to assume otherwise. But again, STOCK is the topic here, NOT big bore. You seem to have a hard time staying on topic.
As for my opinion on the 78 performance. The same rags that did tests on the 69 also did the later bikes and the F is faster than the 69 and the K was only slightly slower. These were posted by more than just me too.
Hey I had a friend that had a 69, he took off the 530 and put a 630 on there for better strength. Wow that was easy to make up now wasn't it.
Hey moonpie, I seem to recall you being older than me, so whos memory may be dimmed with age? Or is that just a stab at my name? That would be pretty lame.