Ok, I'm going to try my hand at building some custom pipes for the '72 CB750 I'm working on. I plan on using my current headers, or selling the originals
that are on the bike currently. They actually look good from the outside - headers are pretty much rust free and shine up nicely, but they are starting to rust through from the inside on 3 of the pipes - just after they join the silencers - mainly along the bottom rib, just back of the drain holes. Luckily, they are not seen looking at the bike, so they could be repairable is somebody is interested...hint hint.
I think I'm either going to use some pre-fabricated megaphones from these guys:
http://www.coneeng.com/mufflers.html or try making my own like these :
http://www.streetrodderweb.com/tech/0703sr_fabricating_tapered_cones/index.html I'm going to put a reverse cone on the end to make them look more like the stock pipes or the CR pipes and re-use the diffusers off my current pipes. Again, I plan on used a stock header... 4 into 4
Now, the pipes on my bike are HM341's which means I can't get the baffles out with out drilling and pretty much destroying some good pipes that somebody else could use. I'd like to create an exhaust that will function like the stock exhaust does. I will be using stock airbox etc. What do you guys think about aftermarket baffles that would be very similar to stock in the way of back pressure etc...
Any suggestions on how to go about creating the same characteristics as the stock exhaust ? Any suggestions or link are greatly appreciated.
I'd like to keep the total cost under $400... Probably need to sell my current pipes and find some decent header pipes.
Here's what I want to accomplish: Gotta love photoshop