« on: October 01, 2008, 06:58:41 AM »
Half Fast Chicago is planning an end of season ride to the HD Museum in Milwaukee, WI.
The museum is open 9am to 6pm-$16 per head-$12 if we have a group of 15 or more, or $12 if you have a student ID! Event date is set of Saturday October 18th 2008. The ride is open to everyone, not just Half Fast Chicago members. This means all bikes are welcome (choppers/bobbers/sport bikes/customs/vintage/etc). The more people we have the better the ride will be..
We are going to meetup at The Orbit Room @ 10am, and then head out around 12 up to Milwaukee.
Spread the word (and pray for nice weather).
The Orbit Room is located @ 2959 N. California (one block north of I-90) in Chicago
Myspace page:
And as always check out the Half Fast Chicago website:
and Myspace page:
for more information on this and other happenings in and around the city !
Who's In ?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 04:27:45 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends