Not exactly what you are looking for but a Honda CL450 tank will fit a CB750 frame almost without mods. Its a little small 2.5g, and there is a space between the tank and seat. I have one for my next project which will be a stripped cafe.
I'll get some pics of it on the 750 next weekend.
What mods did you have to do to get it to work?
Its been on a shelf for quite some time, I'll drag it out and set it on the chasis this weekend for pics. But if memory serves, the front pockets for the rubber bumpers slip right in. The length to the rear hold down rubber is exactly right. But the tank itself is slightly shorter than the stock CB750, leaving a little daylight between the front of the seat and the rear of the tank. In other words the reach of the metal tab coming off the back of the tank is longer. But so far no mods necesary. Since I'll be fabbing my own seat, and the bike build theme will be a bit of a rat, the daylight is no problem.
There are 2 small tubes coming off the bottom of the tank on either side towards the rear. These are connected with fuel line to unify the 2 holding sections of the tank. THey have to be bent from a 90 degree to a straight position to clear the frame rails. From memory, that's all it takes.
The smallish size doesn't bother me, no intention to tour on this, that's what Phaedrus II is for. THe Honda SuperHawk 1000 only has a 2.5 gallon tank and my 650 Hawk tank is 2.5 gallons. (I have a 5 gallon Carbon Fibre tank for the 650 as I have gone long distance on it. At nearly 55 mpg, it has quite the range.)
Pics of the CL tank on frame this weekend.
PS: Paulages, that 500 is kewl!