90% of 130 is 117
80% of 130 is 104
So, it will lower it 13 mm. See that 13mm wrench in your tool box? That's how much lower the back will be.
But, doesn't that make the tire a flatter profile?
If you already have a 130/90 16 on the back, it doesn't seem like you have neutral handling now, and likely have to wrestle (counter steer) while turning as it is. I would kinda expect the lower profile tire to make that worse. (I don't actually know that, though.) This would get worse as the tire wears a flat spots in the center of the tread.
Also, didn't lowering the rear of the bike make it want to go in a straight line, rather than turn as you lean with it. Maybe the two changes will cancel each other, in effect ??