Hi guys, I need some input because I'm a little frustrated with this. The PO painted my engine black, and poorly. I don't think it was even a high heat paint as it was peeling, flaking, bubbled and so on and so forth. I removed quite a bit of it simply with a brass brush, simple green and elbow grease.
For the stubborn stuff I picked up a real nasty aerosol paint stripper. I was wearing a mask, glasses, head gear and for some stupid reason I forgot to put gloves on. Let me tell you, that crap burned and the warning label said 'seek medical attention' for skin contact! Even with how potent and effective this stuff was overall, it didn't get it all. I could shoot some more on there, but my main issue is getting between the fins and the cylinder head (that's the more frustrating one). Any suggestions? There's still a bit of paint on there.
A good number of you have seen the state it was in when I got it, the engine is a lot cleaner now. I'll get some pictures of its current state up later: