Due to a recent unwork related but at work and off the clock injury... I haven't been able to put in as many hours at work as I'd like to. With all this new found spare time (oh how I hate not being busy

) I was considering clearing out my garage and selling some motorcycle spares. Now, either I'm a poor salesman or I've just got some horrible luck. Every past experience I've had involving selling spares or even whole vehicles has left a horrible horrible taste in my mouth.... for some reason I always get screwed.
What am I missing here? What is the secret to selling coveted objects for what they are actually worth? Could it be that this is some God send of a gift that few are actually born with and in no way could it be mastered by the "unblessed".

?What gives?

Could I get some feed back on this idea as well....
I've got a Suzuki GT185 motor laying around that I picked up for super cheap... $100 if I remember right. I'm betting that attempting to sell the "unknown condition" motor as is will put me in the negative.
I really enjoy building motors and I've already rebuilt one of these motors with great success. Could I possibly make it worth my time to rebuild, record my precedures, keep track of costs, and make a tiny bit of profit on such an unpopular vintage two stroke motor?

words of wisdom appreciated