Depending on the condition of the tyre it should be easy to remove unless its been run flat or almost flat that will make it hard, all you need is 2 small 2ft long levers with curved but rounded edges some grease an old paint brush valve remover and a new tyre.
Remove the valve and let the tyre deflate, push the bead away from the rim on both side get your brush greased up and brush round the bead and rim on one side only then insert one lever on the greased side and pull the bead over the rim, insert the other lever about 2 inches away and do the same, do this a couple of times then you should be able to ease the rest off with your fingers, Now if you got enough grease in there just push the tyre away from the rim you shouldnt need to use the levers and its off, Now grease both beads on the new tyre and try and ease it on the rim without using the levers, you might need to use one to push the last bit of the bead over the rim.
Insert tube and ease the other bead on using the lever only on the last bit of bead, and always make sure you not pinching the tube with the lever.
When it comes to changing a tyre grease is your best friend.