Author Topic: Mi Casa e Su Casa...A safe place to crash in the Detroit/Windsor area.  (Read 2242 times)

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I don't imagine there are many wintertime tourers out there, but one never knows, and until I change it, the offer stands. I don't have a fancy spread(pretty minimalist, actually), but anyone coming through Detroit or Windsor has a warm place to sleep and a hot meal. I'm not religious, but Karma is real and God has let me live this long(after some of the crap I've seen and done, that's saying something), so paying it forward is in order. My son and I will be availing ourselves of offers such as this in the years to come(he's only 3 now) so it's all good. I can wrench and have friends and family throughout the area with shops/welders/supplies for emergency fixups. 420 friendly.